Strangest matchmaking ever

Uh… that’s ActiBlizzoSoft. Get it right, Commander. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :scream:


The meta changes depending what deck and hero you play, with other hero most of your opponents are druid and with other hero most of your opponents are priest even if you play 1 million games with each hero.

Hearthstone is the only game where the meta changes depending on what you play

Show me your 1 million game sample and you’ll have some credibility.

Hey look at the latest patch notes, turns out Emotedspam was right all along:

Fixed a bug where certain accounts would always queue into unfavorable matchups

We can all admit he’s right now. For the duration of April 1, anyway…

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I will not play eleven games of quest warrior.

It is a different meta, though, because i just glided back through the ranks with that winstreak dropping bonus stars on my bonus stars.

We will see what happens. I doubt I will see as many mages in platinum because it’s a bad deck.

I have a meeting in a few, so it will be a couple hours before I can dump a screen grab.

Like im looking at my deck tracker and on my warlock list and hunter was the most common enemy at 26% while druid was at 11%

And then i look at my druid and most common opponent is druid at 28%
while hunter is at 9%

Yeah this totally isnt algorithmed matchmaking(sarcasm)

Op do you understand what Meta means?
Do you think a single player can perceive any kind of meta?

Also, why don’t you respond to the first question? You for sure can do basic math, right?

Can you explain why the meta changes entirely when you play different hero?

It doesn’t, because you don’t know what a meta is. See I answered your question.
Now answer mine.
Do you think each class is played by the same number of players? Do you believe each class comprises 10% of the meta?

FYI - First match as quest warrior is a mage.

I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Thats not what i said, i said that the meta should remain the same even when you switch hero but in hearthstone it doesnt

I’m not arguing that Op. Stop jumping around. It’s a simple question.

Do you believe each class comprises 10% of the meta? Do you believe there are the same number of each class in the pool of players to pull from?

Yes for 1 win, you most likely lost your previous game.

After that game you wont see mage in next 20 games

@izizero No because there is a thing called meta where X hero and x hero are most played but when you play a deck thats good versus these you barely see these anymore

I literally linked my win streak, dude.

I haven’t lost since bronze.

Yes, pretty good. It’s true. Some heros and cards are played more than others.
So why in the godforsaken BLAZES

You’re implying that if the the game wasn’t rigged you’d see an even spread of players?
You do understand that even if the game wasn’t rigged, you’d see some classes far more than others right? But nevermind that.

Next question: I want to determine if there are more women or men in the town. I go to a female hair stylist shop. There are 20 women there, between stylists and clients. I conclude that the town is mainly women, and there’s about 20 women for each man.

Do you think that’s an sensible conclusion?

Yes but the difference is that in hearthstone the meta heroes disappear if you play a deck thats good vs these and suddenly the meta consists of the heroes that 5% of the ladder play

Op, humor me. Just answer the question. Do you think assuming that the town is made mostly from women is a sensible conclusion when I looked only at the female hair stylist shop?

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Who knew Colin Robinson plays hearthstone

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We are talking about hearthstone matchmaking here

Lol… you know Sel, we’ve certainly had some good debates, but at least we both come to it with basic critical thinking. But this guy is something else. He’s right up there with the lady trying to stick the key to her neck.

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