Strangest matchmaking ever

Show us your tracker. Let’s see a screen grab of your recent games.

Idk what world you live in that you see control warriors that much, but I have seen hunters and shamans on ladder today while playing a meme DH deck because I have ten stars atm.

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How about you post all your games on hsreplay with each hero since youre able to post images here, if they are all equal amount of enemy heroes % with each hero ill believe you its not rigged but because they are not equal you wont post them

You expect to see the same number of each class? Is that what you think is supposed to happen?

The pictures im asking would prove that the meta changes depending what hero you play, thats why you wont post them

What’s the hypothesis, that a player should face an equal number of each class?

That’s the exact experiment I showed you.

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I already told you its inividual the matchmaking algorithm isnt same every turn for every player.

PRovide me pictures of your hsreplay with minimal 100 games played with each hero if it shows similar split of each enemy hero % in enemy players with each hero ill believe you its not rigged, but when you look at the pictures you will see that the % is WILDLY different depending what hero you played

Well why are you asking someone to do the experiment?

does it work the other way? if i cue a deck with 2 oozes and just concede on the mulligan, and keep track of classes i am matched against, will the algorithm start giving me favorable matches, with weapon users, more often because it wants me to win back to 50%? this feels like the same test you suggested, unless i’m missing something.

Because thats why you cant decline the proof when its provided by yourself

If the experiment doesn’t work then it’s not proof…

Go test it first before you say it doesnt work

You’re the one saying it doesn’t work, I trust you

Provide me pictures of your hsreplay with minimal 100 games played with each hero if it shows similar split of each enemy hero % in enemy players with each hero ill believe you its not rigged, but when you look at the pictures you will see that the % is WILDLY different depending what hero you played

If you can provide me this and it shows the enemy % amounts are same with each hero you played ill believe you its not rigged ok?

But i can promise you they will be WILDLY different depending what hero you played

Even better do it for everyone that uses deck trackers.

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This is not data and not proof, it is anecdote.

But this doesn’t mean your game is rigged, silly person. It means that you queued into different heros and your sample is so small that it looks different than you expect.

But over millions of games, if the game is rigged as you assert, it would be as obvious as a four story neon sign in the data aggregate.

As someone who looks at numbers for a living, I can tell you with certainty that what you see in 100 games would be more obvious in a million games if there was anything wrong.

As far as you seeing different heroes, seeing two more (for example) mages over 100 games will make the % look different, but isn’t enough to be called a problem.

All of your aspersion are based in ignorance of how numbers work in practice.

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This is what hearthstone matchmaking looks like

 30% green, 20% red,  15% blue,  15% yellow, 10% black, 5%  gray, 5% orange
  and then you play a hero which is bad vs orange suddenly its 5% green and 30% orange instead

and then you play hero that is good against green and suddendly green is 5% while everything else is higher, this is literally summary of hs matchmaking

If you can provide me 100 games played with each hero where it shows enemy matchups are the same amounts of each % ill believe you hs isnt rigged but i already know you wont be able to find pictures where they are simular amounts

Even if you played million games with each hero the % amounts would still be wildy different depending what hero you are looking at

Mate I’m trying to help you by giving you a way to prove your theory en masse. You love arguing so much that you even gave me the same idea back, not realising I’m on team rigged.

If you think after all that you’re worth scrolling sideways to read about colours and matchups, you’re dreaming.

I must ask have you ever taken your data and put it into a p-value generator?
I can guarantee with the amount of data you have you will get a very weak score.

Why do you think that?