Store unavailable

No store for more than a week. Can’t give you my gold/money if I can’t use your store Blizz. :smiley:


Some acknowledgement from Blizz would be nice. It’d be cool to be able to play Arena again.

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No store, no arena since Blizz got rid of duels.
The answer ? Get a PC…

" Hearthstone Shop Closed on Mac Devices after Patch 29.2
We are aware of an issue in which the Hearthstone Shop is closed on Mac desktop devices after patch 29.2. While we work to quickly resolve the issue, please try to complete the purchase on either a PC or mobile device."

When could we fix this issue? The shop is closed and we could not go into arena!

Was afraid of this type of **** with Microsoft taken over. Although I thought they’d still like to take money though before they dumped Mac. Hope they prove me wrong. looks@MicroBLIZZsoft