Stop whining about Duels

In short it is just his opinion, there are people for and against, and what is considered as discussion is just nothing.

It’s not for or against. Or at least I would like to think it isn’t for most of us.

It’s whether asking us to use the cards in our collection for new game modes is OK or not.

Because as I said previously, the ideal situation would be every card in the game is free.

Well, one of the few times Blizzard is showing respect to Wild players, I don’t mind it honestly. Plus they gotta sell those packs - which perfectly fine btw, they are not a charity service - so I’m ok with how the whole thing was implemented.


Because it’s a limited pool of cards rather than all of wild and half the time brawl is preconstructed decks that use cards you might not own too

So you do mean that Blizzard should specifically not cater to my 2 year old request for a rotating format using old cards!


No I’m saying do that but do it in a way that makes the cards that are usable in that format available to everyone only while they are usable in that mode and only within that mode. I’m saying you should get what you want and more people should be able to participate in it. I want you to have a better version of what you want because there’d be more participation in it rather than a small elites only pool like what arena has become

I don’t understand the free in your thinking, because the cards themselves are free but the package are paid.

Everyone will copypasta either face or tier 1 decks because it’s the best way to farm stuff. The developers should either drastically decrease the rewards or remove the paid move then.

Obviously. There will also be tier lists for heroes and what abilities to use. I’d be shocked if the HSReplay people haven’t already started working on a way to create tier lists and gather meta data for that mode

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Yeah, if everyone can play tier one and there isn’t a daily rotation it’s meaningless. Or they need to reduce the rewards,

Again, should they give free stuff it would hurt Wild players, or anyone intentioned to buy Wild packs. Not directly, but in the terms for which their collection would decrease in perceived value, which Hearthstone’s economy is based on. Why would I buy stuff if the new modes that use old cards just give them away gratis?
How they implemented this new system is both healthy for the economy of the game and rewarding to the players who’ve been maintaining their collection over the years.


Actually in some hours they already banned the first card.

Self sharpening blade.

That card is too insane, they need regular bans like Arena to stay alive.

And they will happen.

In my opnion the ideal would for a season would be 2 weeks without any new bans(older bans can carry from previous times) and 2 weeks with bans.

2 weeks isn’t time enough for a metagame to settle and only someone dumb would blindly believe a tier list made that time.

So even if people copy and paste decks from sites I really not care if the mode was under said rules.

Not really since prior to this mode being announced owning those cards had the exact same number of scenarios in which they could be played. As long as the cards given are temporary and limited only to a specific mode then the cards retain their original value

Why buy the old stuff? To play in the wild ladder. If anything letting people use them in duels could get people interested in the wild format at which point they’d need to buy the cards.

Probably the best way to do this would be through achievements for owning those cards or interactions that can only be done via wild cards like get 5 secrets at once from Mysterious Challenger or get a Piloted Shredder from a Piloted Sky Golem

Yeah exactly that! Making these cards free in these new modes would set up a precedent, like Blizzard telling players: “Look, from now on every single new non Standard-only mode we are implementing, you don’t need your Wild collection!” So why ever bothering buying Wild packs again, if “owned” cards will matter only in one mode, which, as we add more and more ways to play the game, will represent an ever-diminishing fraction of Hearthstone as a whole? Now look, it’s year 2024, you got 10 new modes other than Ranked (Standard and Wild), which dont give a f if you own cards or not, surely our profit won’t take a toll! It’s totally fine if 80% of our playerbase is playing in ways that don’t require them to spend money on the game!"


It’s no more a precedent than using cards you don’t own in brawl or arena or battlegrounds. They already do this for non-ladder modes. Adding more modes that people have to pay for is going to create a separate issue of nothing seeming worth the investment.

People also aren’t going to spend money for wild cards that are going to rotate out of the duels format in a month or two. It’s a waste. So they might as well just let people have those cards within those modes while they are usable in those modes. If someone is genuinely interested in playing wild and sees a use for those cards they have to pay up to get them.

Heck if they’re really that concerned about the profitability of the mode have it so if you’re gonna play in the heroic version you have to own the cards but in casual you don’t

And what about people playing the casual version to test the mode before they invest anything?

Constructed = Use your own cards.
This mode start deck is a constructed one.

Also blizzard never said that standard and wild would be the only modes forever.

They not only didn’t do anything wrong but also you’re here wanting to revert a situation were people that dusted cards got punished into a situation where people who didn’t did that get.

It not matters how you look at this.

Someone gonna lose and if it’s someone then the person have to be who did choice to focus on standard at cost of the rest of their collections.
Because they atleast can stick to standard instead of have their collections threw in the trash bin.


You do realize that is the exact opposite of that? If you implement more and more modes in which to use the cards you own, it makes them MORE valuable and not the other way around???

Again, it’s totally the other way around. If I knew that this Loatheb I’m crafting for Duels (or any other busted legendary) is going to see meta play in a plethora of modes, I’d be way more willing to spend dust on it than if I knew it would be important to own it in just a single mode.


You could punish literally nobody by giving temporary access to the cards within that mode while they are playable in that mode. People that own the cards can play them in wild whereas the other players can’t and everyone can participate in duels.

Not unless there is a lot of overlap within the modes. If they make 10 different play modes each with different set legalities they create a lot of confusion and people simply doubling down on the modes they’re already invested in and ignore everything else because it’s just too cluttered and confusing anyways

Only if they really want to play wild which if they’re dusting their wild cards they clearly don’t. If someone only wants to play standard and duels they’re not going to craft a card that’s legal in duels just for a month. What they are more likely to do is just ignore the mode since they can’t be competitive in it without crafting a bunch of otherwise useless cards