Steamcleaner - needs to be in standard

No, Steamcleaner is not good enough. They need to release Vacuumcleaner in the Miniset and it would be a 3 mana 3/3 Miniaturize (handvac art) with Steamcleaner effect, that way we can all move on from complaining about plagues/highlanders

is good it wasnt included its anti fun and we dont really need it

didnt you say these decks have low win rates?

we can use
tony (which can counter plagues )
and the new aviana freely thx to steamcleaner not being in standard to ruin it

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Plagues are anti-fun. What are you on about with steamcleaner being anti-fun? Its SUPER fun to watch free damage come in that just gets to go back into your deck to do it again.

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Funny that you would mention it, because if Reno wasn’t a dead card in your hand, I would completely lose 5-7 cards and have a dead turn afterwards

Interesting how hypocritical people can be xD

Look at the winrate of individual matchups on VS Syndicate. You literally have 1 counter and you complain about it. And that counter is a tier 3 meme deck, as well.

Yeah, but i feel like 9 mana (4 + 5) is a fair investments for em. I play fizzle as well, but i think it’s 100% fair a 9 mana 4/4 + 5/5 counters a 3 mana 3/3

The win rate of DK decks is irrelevant to the current discussion.
Given the decision to include Viper, which is arguably the strongest tech option due to its low cost of 3 mana, premium stat line, and the tradeable ability, it only follows that other tech options should also be considered.

Choosing a different course of action would result in diminishing the effectiveness of weapon-based decks/cards while allowing other combo-oriented decks/cards like Boomboss and Plague DK to excel. aka favoritism

I concur that incorporating Steamcleaner into the core set is sensible.

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+1 and for 1 month is should always start in your starting hand as compensation for all pain with aplague DK’s.

Then Reno and the rest need to check beginning of the game

it is because they are asking for steamcleaner to ruin my tony and aviana deck which have low win rate too!!

Don’t forget rafaam.
As i said earlier the better option is the minion that destroys 1 cost spells in each deck. Maybe buff it from 6 mana to 5. It wouldn’t just only target plagues but also the nature shaman.

I’m fairly sure if they bring back Skulking Geist every warlock would run 2 and the entire meta would be wheel warlock.

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Would there be a difference from steamcleaner?
I also would not see wheel warlock becoming dominant as a horrible thing, annoying absolutely. It would be one of the easier decks to target with a nerf.

Steamcleaner destroys cards in your deck that didn’t start in your deck. Geist destroys ALL 1 cost cards in hand and deck. That is a massive difference. Geist is a card that feels like it’s actually at a ‘today’ power level and not a 2017 power level.

I know the difference, but i fail to see the difference in use for wheel lock.

Steamcleaner won’t impact nature shaman at all (except fizzle). Nature shaman is by far the worst matchup wheel has.

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As you know part of the reason for skulking geist is to nerf shaman. This would reduce the power of several decks making a need for to nerf to less. Wouldn’t you say shaman is probably being looked at for a nerf? Also wheel lock probably also needs a nerf. I may have a little bias because I have been playing shaman recently with some of the nature cards, but not nature.

I think the spillover from something like geist would be massive. I think they can and will address each outlier individually (including shaman - it’s what I used to climb this month mostly because wheel warlock annoys me but it is kinda ridiculous).
I don’t know if wheel warlock actually needs a nerf or not, I just don’t think tech cards should overwhelmingly benefit a single class (or maybe two - it would be a gimme for HL warrior).

I also have another bias of wanting to play meme decks when in standard rafaam, fires of z etc. Steamcleaner when in standard ruined many fun meme decks that would have a chance against skulking geist as they would not lose their entire deck.

Edit: and steamcleaner was in every deck because of etc.

I get it. I’m scarred from Mecha’thun warlock - second geist hit the board you knew it was over. I also played a lot of jade druid but at least with that deck you knew the risk you were taking.

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Plague DK dies to aggro
Plague DK only beats Warrior
Warrior would be meta tyrant without the Plague check

plagues are fine. Helya infinite plagues is a fallacy that only matters in slow matchups (of which there is one, Warrior)