Stat Squish anyone?

For me, my favorite was definitely JTU.

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Also had the best song.

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CCGs don’t scale upward indefinitely like MMORPGs do, the principle doesn’t really apply here.

In terms of an overall power reset, they tried that before and it was both a commercial and critical failure and they were ridiculed for making lackluster cards.

Well, it’s an idea that I had not seen proposed on here. All I ever see is players complaining that they lost to card X or Y, and so they need to be nerfed into irrelevance.

You sure about that?

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I was actually pondering on this exact thing the other day.

Seems like a good idea.

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if it did

shouldnt we have a vanilla 8/8 for 2 mana right now ?

Stat squish in Hearthstone would look like a simplified more vanilla version of the cards. Instead of seeing 1 mana draw 5, we wouls see 3 mana 3/4 taunt or something. Sure they’d be trash reprints and be boring, but it would reset the powercreep button a couple years.


Yeah WoW is a MMORPG but they also treat Hearthstone as an MMORPG instead of a card game with the constant nerfing that happens everry expansion and within the first week now. I mean they are also power creeping the #*%# out of Hearthstone kind of like how WoW Power Creep as the expansion went on so a stat squish would make sense for Hearthstone to bring everything back to a normal level. I mean they did it before with TGT.


Except that it not FELT bad.

It was bad because the game did become coinflips decided on the start of the matches.

That obsession with reduce what a deck can do or not created an environment where you just couldn’t even try to play your bad matchups.

If someone thinks that experience it was necessary at all I suggest said person to play coinflip simulator for a year and return here to talk about the experience.

I’m not playing conditionless 1 mana 10/10s yet, so yeah. Powercreep is definitely a thing, but nowhere near the scale of an RPG. Besides, the playerbase gets just as mad when they try to reel that in.

I’m interested in this big Classic rework they keep hinting at.

I am nervous about it. I love burn mage and this may very well kill it.

Burn Mage already doesn’t exist in Standard. Any rework will still leave the cards in Wild.

I’m actually hoping they take out some Classic burn so they can introduce more interesting burn cards in expansions. Frostbolt and Fireball and the ability to make more seem to have stagnated their willingness to design new burn cards.

Boy would I miss ol’ Tony, though :pensive:

Did not know this. This makes me very happy indeed:)
Tony is cool, but i haven’t used him in quite a few expansions.

Think about Priest’s rework. The cards they removed for the new ones are still playable in Wild. It was just a mass HoF with new stuff put in.

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Good point and I should have found that answer on my own, but since I never play priest it did not occur to me.

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cool, after reading your further replies I apologise for that comment. It really doea read as posted by someone who had no clue as to why the WoW stat squish happened. I only tried H25 Garrosh (we were a 10 man guild) once and, as a healer, the amount of input lag on that fight in particular was ridiculous. IIRC they even acknowledged it as the (primary) reason for the stat squish, but it was a longass time ago…

On topic, now that I understand what it was you were actually asking for (power reset). IMO its not “power creep” but “synergy creep” that makes todays standard decks seem more powerful. In reality they really arent more powerful comparatively, aggro decks for example are probably slower today by a turn or 2 than they were in meme streets, they just synergise better than they did back then which gives the impression of power creep.


Excellent way of describing today’s cards. I think I agree. It isn’t so much the raw stats as it is the effects and how they work in concert with another…


HS Forum Faith restored. :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
If all threads are as respectful to each other as above.

Love you peeps.


That happens in this sort of game by releasing several weak sets in a row which hurts sales overall in the short and medium term and requires a long commitment to see through. Players will gravitate to the older, more powerful cards instead of the newer, weaker ones for as long as possible. Given where we are at they’d need to do 4 weaker sets in a row starting in april 2021 at a minimum to rotate out the powerful year of the phoenix cards which means a whole year of lower sales for the game which is definitely not something the company is interested in