Starcraft Heros should get their own solo missions

I am a huge fan of starcraft, and active player of Hearthstone. I think they’re missing a golden opportunity to promote further sales for Starcraft by not giving Jim, Sarah and Artanis some solo missions, peak more player interest in their other games. I think they could even do it in a small chunk, one mission per class, small dip into SC that might boost sales for all parties.
I have serious doubts they’ll ever touch starcraft again, but I think this Miniset really highlights the potential and desire for more crossovers. There’s so many Heros in SC that I think could and should be made legendary minions, perhaps new mechanics for the Zerg to let them morph/evolve into other variants. Terrans could easily get more mechs, or even their Bio units, I think none were touched on and theirs so many little things that could be included. The Protoss heros from Legacy of the Void alone are tantalizing prospects.
Blizzard! Don’t miss the opportunity to ride this wave and make some solo missions to feed back into SC and HS. Perhaps tying the Co-op commanders and the Solo-missions would be an excellent way to boost sales, interest and player numbers for both games. I still believe tying in the Zerg and Protoss starships into Leviathans and Spear of Adun would be another great way to promote differing builds and interest in experimentation, while mostly being cosmetic.


That I said before lately. Since the crossover was gonna happen, make it a full set not a mini. Bring more starcraft heroes, like nova, overmind, zeratul etc. Its been quite some time since the last solo adventure and the last one was barely an adventure with 5 missions. I think they have given up the idea, at least for now sadly.

Hello KingTay and everyone,

I couldn’t put it better myself. A Starcraft solo adventure is an awesome idea, maybe one similar to Galakrond’s! So you can first choose the race, then have some “encounters” with some SC bosses and either gain new cards (like goliath for instance) or just simply get cards backs and/or heroes skins.
I also played SC1 and SC2 and found this miniset briliant but an inconcluded masterpiece.

I hope your idea could reach the design team, because it can be a lot fun, I am sure of it!

Good game everyone! :slight_smile: