Star Vulpera - fail

Enemy Player had out among other minions:

The Spirit’s Passage:

Listed as “Starship” description: Starship (Costs (5) Mana to Launch)

More info on card here: /hearthstone wiki gg/wiki/The_Spirits%27_Passage

Played: Star Vulpera


Tradeable Battlecry: Destroy an enemy Starship or Starship Piece .

Issue: Failed to destroy the enemy’s Starship “The Spirit’s Passage”

Their Starship remained after playing. Hence, abandoned the Arena attempt immediately.

If you can’t make cards work as intended, or can’t properly describe their intended working, at least refund arena attempts.

Match can be found here: hsreplay net/replay/6Xbzk9nfKxM5bnUU98nwGK

edit: Maybe you meant " Destroy a LAUNCHED Starship "? But the card does not say that…


“If you don’t say what you mean, you will never mean what you say”

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I never noticed that the unlaunched version still has the keyword there, Star Vulpera might actually need a wording change to make it consistent like you say.

Either that’s what they were hoping, or par for the course with them.

Star Vulpera it still not working properly. She can destroy only Starship piece but not Starship

She can detroy launched starships, not starshipyards


it is working properly
learn to read cards

It is NOT working properly. The text clearly states “Tradeable Battlecry: Destroy an enemy Starship or Starship piece.”
It does NOT say “Launched” anywhere on the card.
Example “The Exiles Hope” is displayed as a “Starship (made up of X of pieces)” which means it is a “STARSHIP” even while pieces are still being added to it during play. It is NOT listed as a SHIPYARD while in play waiting for pieces to be added. That would be like saying Space X’s Starship is NOT a Starship because it is sitting on the launch pad waiting to be launched or they are adding heat tiles to it.

not a starship you are building one thats what the "if you are building a starship " use

and it doesnt have the “minion frame”

The word “destroy” implicitly assumes that the thing is:

  1. Able to be targeted
  2. Able to be destroyed, such as a minion or location

A Starship still under construction is, as far as I know, neither of those. It is an untouchable visual placeholder for the forthcoming starship, similar to a dormant minion.