Spell damage doesn't work on healing turned into damage

How to reproduce:

  • Play any number of cards that grant spell damage
  • Play Auchenai Soulpriest, Auchenai Phantasm, or Embrace the Shadow
  • Cast a spell that restores health

The spell should have the healing numbers converted into damage and then amplified, but the last part isn’t applied. For example, Regenerate (restore 3 health) with a card that grants spell damage +1 should deal 4 damage, but deals 3 instead.

I guess that healing is not a spell, and not affected by +spell modifiers

I believe that this used to work differently, but has been changed because there were too many inconsistencies with the old method.

How it now works is that spell damage is applied to spells that cause damage, and after that, all the various “turn healing into damage” effects are applied.

If that’s the case RIP APM Velen’s Chosen Priest. I’ll have to go for the Divine Spirit - Topsy Turvy variant.

I felt like Googling a bit, found that this has been the case since last June or so: