After seeing these nerfs, the next hit will be Spawning Pool. Rush not allowing counterplay is the problem. Infestor is fine if you have the chance to respond.
Rush is OK but it would be a good nerf if this effect would only affect the minions that are currently on the field when the Deathrattle triggers.
The fact that the opponent can just keep playing minions and attack right away makes it to strong in my opinion.
i do think woudl be nice if the card gets a slight nerf but we do have chance to respond
Giving rush to everything on board and getting 2 minions for 1 mana is too good. Even if it is just to what is currently on the board. It also does not stop the early game rushing Infestor. Your suggestion honestly does nothing to address the early game problem.
Maybe the amount of uses for this location should be raised to 3. Then the effect wouldn’t come so early.
This might help a slight amount, but it is also giving it more fuel. A 1 mana get 3 minions is insane value as well. The deck already has multiple combos with Horn of Winter, Brittlebone Buccaneer. and Death growl. Removing rush at least allows for some sort of response.
I have played the deck enough to know it is a very feast or famine deck. If you don’t draw Infestor the deck is trash. But, when you go turn 4 Brittlebone+Horn+Infestor+Death Growl possibly hitting 2 minions and then they all get rush? It is the problem where games are 100% decided on turns 3-4 and it feels awful.
Dk is not the only Zerg classes, hunter, lock needs it to stabilize the board. Demon hunter already have creep tumor and it’s not that popular
Zerg dk is barely a tier 2 deck. The only part that feels unfair to me is banelings, but ultimately the deck is not OP
This is how it’s going to go:
No nerfs to Infestor or Zerg DK because they think rotation will solve the issue
“Deathgrowl and Yodeler rotate, problem will solve itself!”
On rotation, there is a new DK card that triggers a deathrattle and gives reborn
“ooops, we forgot we made this card and now the issue is back. Why didn’t we see this coming?!”
Nerf to Zerg DK finally comes
That’s the incompetence we’re dealing with and if you think it isn’t, the upcoming only 2 nerfed cards prove it. No nerf to Dungar Druid or Swarm Terran Shaman or Gunter Hunter.
They are literally just going to ride this out until rotation.
So basically same old same old.
We got a druid doing rampy things
We got hunter blowing up faces
Usually it’s paladins doing the whole curving out, I-win-board-cuz-my-cards-are-just-better-than-yours kind of deck, but now it’s shaman taking the slot.
But hey, shaman doesn’t get called boring like paladins do, so maybe there’s actually an improvement?
The lack of buff to the Paladin minion is pretty weird tbh. You never see a Paladin for a reason.
They are just ok keeping the meta as is I guess.
Quasar did not have a high win rate either. People need to understand that a high win rate is not the only thing that catches nerfs. Creating incredibly unfun and non-interactive games also catch nerfs. We have a deck that can give its minions +4/+4 for the rest of the game on turns 3-4. That effectively ends the game vs most decks.
bUt ThE vS rEpOrT sAyS wIn RaTe IsNt HiGh EnOugH
That’s their plan EVERY season at the end of rotation. Just let it all fall apart and promise a superior rotation. Then fail miserably at rotation and sucker everyone again.
I think hellion/hellbat in a vacuum is fine for a 4 drop.
But rest of paladin kit struggles to make use of it.
Is paladin best at winning board first? Not anymore
Is paladin best at reflooding and/or refueling if they can’t always win board? Not really.
Is paladin best at removing enemy board or so even if they can’t win board they can at least contain enemy board? No, shamans are the ones with missile pod and hex, warrior is the one with their usual removal stuff.
Is paladin best at disruption in lieu of not being able to remove enemy board the best? No again.
Is paladin best at turtling up so they can survive until they use their few big clears? No, warrior has the armor
Paladin is just a shell. I tried playing libram, but it also feels very weak compared what others can do. I built a cool highlander paladin before the miniset, but with the Reno nerf and the now with the miniset, it’s very bad.
The new stuff is also pretty bad compared what other can do…
I’m honestly fine with that as opposed to knee jerk nerfs before the meta settles.
I think it will sort itself out better than what we have right now, but I’m also confident they will take another pass in two week or three if things are as bad as you think they may become.
I also feel this way. Maybe I’m coping but maybe they want to push out a Shaffer fix first before going into other stuff.
Correct me if I’m wrong but the patch also will have lots of bg changes?
It’s got a ton of BG updates… nerfs, buffs, minions out, minions in… big BG patch. Only thing not in this patch for BG is a new mechanic.
I think they went too fast a time or two ago and are taking a more measured response this time and I’m here for it.
I’d happily do with the next couple of weeks if it means they ultimately get the changes correct.