Sorta new player here, need help with deckbuilding stuff

Hey everyone! I’ve been working on playing some Hearthstone recently and first got into it sometime right before or during Darkmoon Faire. However, as a F2P player who isn’t willing to spend money on it anywhere, I’ve been having trouble in ranked ladder. I’ve been using a rush warrior deck and that’s gotten me up to Silver 8, but I haven’t been able to get any higher. The main problem I seem to be having is that I have no legendaries pertaining to the rush archetype besides Overlord Runthak and don’t even have 2 copies of some “standard” cards, like Playmaker and Bumper Car. I think from what I’ve done so far in the game I like control type games (as seen by the fact I started in rush warrior), but I have no clue how to build a deck that will get me up in ladder, let alone one that uses control. If it helps, I can name some legendaries I have that were from packs and my dust count, but I mainly just want advice/tips for building a good ladder deck, particularly to get me above Silver rank. Thanks for reading!
TL;DR: Been playing Rush Warrior and like control, relatively new, need help getting above silver in ladder whether through decklist or deckbuilding tips

My honest opinion, save up to $20.00 and buy one of the battle ready decks. pick either Warrior or Rogue decks. those are 2 best decks in today’s meta, and will definitely carry you to at least Diamond. you are also getting a bunch legendary cards in both of decks.

Thanks for replying! I wish I could get a battle ready deck but unfortunately money for in-game purchases is sort of a problem for me rn so I am not able to get it, however I definitely do understand how they would be good! I only wish they could be purchased with gold like the adventures that were standard (Galakrond, Tombs, Dalaran) that I bought all of the wings of with gold. Thanks for the advice tho even if I’m not really able to use it unless they update the purchasing situation to include gold!
Side note: I did luck out and get Scabb Cutterbutter from a pack as well as Plaguemaw, both Barrens Hunter legendaries, and a couple legendaries from the Year of the Pheonix packs, would any of those be useful in a good deck? I tried using a Druid Taunt deck but kept losing to wide board stuff due to not having any board clear cards…

I mean try and find a way to pay 1 of these decks, from my playing years, this is probably the best value by far for $20.00. Not only these decks do well on ladder (warrior and rogue decks are both proven to reach high legend), you also get legendary and epics.
for example the the rush warrior deck, you will receive 5 legendary and 5 epics cards. Normally you will have to buy at least 80+ packs to receive that many cards. So my best advance, save up and buy one the deck and enjoy

Oh ok, I will try to get that if I can, thanks! I’ll keep trying to find something else I the meantime if I cannot buy it though… thanks for letting me know that those decks are really good!

If you received the hunter legendary card, then play face hunter, it’s fairly a cheap deck to craft. However, this deck is pure aggro, totally opposite of control. I personally don’t like this archetype decks but it’s very efficient. (youtube and search face hunter decks)
side note: there is a nerf coming this week. don’t craft any cards yet and wait after nerf.

Good to know, thanks! I will look to see if I can find a good face hunter deck using what I have and hopefully it will work well!

I second to go with face hunter, it’s the cheapest and fastest deck for new players. And it gets the job done most the time. Otherwise you can try deckbuilding to start out. Chances are you will be facing new players doing the same as you at this point. Tbh though, past that point it’s very hard to come up with a deck that would be considered a good meta choice by yourself. Right now there are only a handful of players that can figure out solid meta decks.

So from what I can see it’s lookin like face hunter, any good decklists? I found one that I didn’t have to use any dust for but since it was from HSReplay and I don’t have a premium account it’s gold rank which is still better than me but I want something higher if I can get it (might not be able to), thanks for the replies guys!


try this deck code

I’d look at hearthpwn, there is one that does not use legendaries other than rinlings rifle. If you have Mankrik or Borok Kodobane legendaries, I’d suggest those in place of the other cards though. Especially if you have both, they have synergy.

So I’m missing the pack runners, a wrangler and the rifle, anything good that I could maybe replace it with? I was thinking maybe piercing shot would work but there may be better options available there…

I am not good with hunter. You can Google vicious syndicate report #195. the data is based 10s of thousands played games, very helpful.

So I found a face hunter deck that works well for me and is helping me climb ranks, but it seems that going against Control Warlock and Paladin in general are big problems. I’ve seen that Paladin is just strong in this meta, but is there a good tech card that would still work in the deck? I know Ogremancer would be good but I don’t think it’s a good card for a face hunter to use.

Yes you are correct that ogremancer would not be a good face hunter card.

Control Warlock believe it or not can actually find face hunter a bad match up. I play control Warlock and generally only beat face hunters if I draw well and they run out of steam. It’s kind of a toss up tbh. Best thing to do is don’t over commit, if they have a full board clear try to bait that out. Then drop some more threats.

Paladin is probably a more straight up bad match up, not even a toss up really. They play high value cheap cards/ card draw/secrets/buffs. Its just bad for any deck also using cheap minions but not the other stuff to face off against. I’d say try to value trade early on to establish a presence and pray you can slow them down. I have mostly exclusively played secret paladin this season and I don’t think any hunters have actually beaten me. One did get me to 1 health so it is possible I’m sure.

Bottom line is there really isn’t tech cards, it’s just more watching what plays your making. Still some games are losses due to rng though too.

Ah, thanks! Thanks to you and LoneWolf for the help, I genuinely made it to gold for the first time today by just finding a good deck and I could not be happier! I thought hand-making decks was the best way to do it… anyways, better wait for the next patch then craft more stuff to help me make more good decks or just improve this one!

Very nice! One other thing I’d mention, if you have extra time to watch twitch you can see some really good players on there. Like Thijs, Firebat, etc are good players. This can help cause you can see how they play and generally explain their plays during games. Good luck!

I know this is a tangent but is rush warrior really considered control? It only has like four cards more expensive than four mana.

That’s something I’ve been kind of wondering, from my prior knowledge control is basically keeping the board on lock through removal and such. From what I know, rush minions are typically used to control the board by killing the other board and keeping your own board boosted through the rush minions themselves, so I think it counts? Either way, that’s the sort of thing I mean… I can say, however, the deck (even with no legendaries) has beaten my friend a bit but he also doesn’t really play competitively and uses budget decks like me so I don’t know. Anyways, good question and the answer is, by my definition, yes.

EDIT: So apparently, I’m wrong on the definition. The exact definition, according to the Hearthstone fandom, is " a deck that attempts to attain victory in the late game, through a combination of early game removal and Taunts, and powerful cards in the later rounds of the game. These decks focus on controlling the early game in order to survive through to the later rounds, where they can use a string of powerful spells, or a steady flow of larger minions to overwhelm the opponent", so I guess technically but not fully. Good to know that it’s close though!

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