Something positive for a change

Lets try and counter the meta and discus strategies we wil have a balance patch which probably will adresss i think at least dh and paladin for sure.

For myself i wil be playing more highlander shaman but i am going to try and change my list to see if i can possibly improve it its such a good deck im surprised we dont see more of it.

Someone got legend 1 with unless im mistaken so lets all - this includes me because im guilty as well - try and be positive in game on forums about the meta.

How are you countering the meta atm ?

There is no counter to it, that’s kind of the point of oppressive decks that need nerfing, because blizzard created strategies that don’t have sufficient counter cards.

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I’ve heard some rumblings rust elemental shaman was popping up and it was good! I enjoyed a few games with it. My own version however, not the meta one, so my deck is sub-optimal in terms of performance. I think I did around 12 damage to all enemies in one instance, with Skarr. I imagine you can get much more!

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Indeed, a surprisingly good deck. I don’t have the cards for it, but when I run into it, they seem to perform quite well.



Cryopreservation on Garden’s Grace minions.
Reverberations on Divine Shield minions.
Cold Case
Inquisitive Creation
even like a generated Star Power or Life Sentence
all cause problems for Paladins which is the meta.

The strategy is the same as ever to win more.
Be aware of what your opponent plays; have an understanding of what comes down on what turn and mulligan accordingly to what is expected from your opponent.

As for what I am playing it’s XL Mage because it’s what I find fun.



EDIT: And some Dragon Druid, the list is the same as the Malygos version provided in hsreplay but I’ve taken off 1x Azerite Chain Gang for ETC with:

  1. Rheastrasza (longer matchups)
  2. Dragon Tales (quicker matchups where you need more dragons for Dragon Golem)
  3. Viper (never actually picked it, maybe against an Ignis deck)
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Not playing the game

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I don’t have the cards to play this, but based on statistics and just playing against this deck, I think it’s the most robust deck we have seen in a long time.

If any other decks get nerfed, this deck will likely grab top dog status and not relinquish it for a long time.

Even now this deck goes nearly 50 50 vs almost everything, while also having favorable matchups, unless I am mistaken?

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This is a quote from a high legend player i believe he got legend 9 with highlander shaman if im right.

“Highlander Shaman seems to beat everything barring Showdown Paladin and Control Priest. Went 23-16(59%) vs Meta Tyrant Naga DH and 70-43(62%) overall”

My opinion is i think it can beat paladin as well but otk decks might be harder to beat.

Not that strong if you bring weapon removal.

Highlander shaman would get wrecked by OTK shaman and quite frankly if you nerf paladin all you’ll see are boring OTK decks

I’ve been playing it for the past week and Highlander Shaman is the real deal. Access to so many utility spells through discover is amazing. You can already play a large range of useful minion ability’s and spells, but getting access to more is amazing. Doc on the curve or on 4 with double coin is a very powerful play. The earlier the weapon starts swinging the better it gets.

You can generally win with the deck through multiple avenues. Not unbeatable but the deck gives you many avenues to victory with smart play.

Played several players sporting Vipers in deck or ETC. Didn’t bother me and i just kept applying pressure. In a couple matches i just replayed Doc and started swinging again.

Dead deck in todays meta that has far too many bad matchups.

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is there anything that tells you opponent is ready for his naga combo?next turn

sometihng that screams to you "play rat/ ashen elemental now "

Not really. I generally mulligan for high health minions and some health/armor gain if i can find it. Wait for them to pop and destroy their board on the return swing. I generally feel safe with 10+ health on board early. If they can pop 40+ damage on turn 4-5 they drew the nuts and there’s not much you can do to stop that regardless of what you play.

Yeah, it’s called turn 4 or 5. :rofl:

The only bad matchups are paladin and dh and if those get nerfed…