Solo Adventures....playable?

I’ve played a bunch of hearth stone games, made several decks. I’m basically having fun. You have to mortgage you home to actually really do well, but I’m happy just beeboping along in the gold tier just fine. I, occasionally try to do the solo adventures. I’m annihilated, in just a few turns. Most of them are nonsensical garbage or unfathomably, ridiculously, over powered. Do people actually play those? Or am I just missing something. I have one where the guy I’m fighting with starts with 30 hit points, everyone attacks him, they nearly all have rush, I have no heals. I’m suppose to win that one? Who thought that up?

I guess the answer to your question depends on which solo adventures you played.

The older solo adventures often had two difficulty levels. Normal and Heroic. The difficulty level of the normal mode was designed to be doable. At that time, cards were unlocked upon completing normal mode, and the team wanted to make sure that everybody who paid for the adventure would be able to unlock those cards. However, the heroic mode was deliberately made to be very hard. There were no rewards, other than bragging rights (and I believe a cardback). So the team decided to make those extra challenging. If you have a large collection and you can think of the right strategies, then they can be completed … though even then often only after multiple attempts.

Later adventures were often made with just a single difficulty level, sitting somewhere between the old normal and heroic levels. And some adventures were designed to go through multiple stages, where each next stage typically would be a bit harder than the previous stage.

Not sure what good the collection would be, the deck’s are prebuilt by the scenario and I am stuck with what Blizzard give me. No deck modification seems to be possible.

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depends on which one you are playing. a few of them start with scripted losses to advance the story. this may be one…or not. also a couple have fights that you are only expected to survive to a certain turn, then plot takes over, it truely depends which solo content you are doing.

And that’s why I started my answer by saying that it depends on the specific adventure. Which you still have not indicated.

But for MOST adventures that start with or run completely with a pre-set deck, I would say that the difficulty level is about medium. Most experienced players should be able to complete them (at the normal level). Beginning players who are still learning the basics of the game will have major difficulties.

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