Even though this doesn’t happen often this is a recurring problem and i’ve only seen it being brought up once so i’ll do it myself as well. The A.I. seems to be broken as it only goes face and only trades when it has to. It also heals/buffs minions on its’ opposing side of the board. One of the most annoying things though, is when the A.I. destroys itself by either drawing cards even though it’s fatigued or when a weapon wielding opponent trades into a minion with a higher attack than their health total. If an opposing minion has taunt, the A.I. will trade into it no matter its’ stats. This issue appeared about 2 or 3 times in the past years and every time it did it took a considerable amount of time to be fixed, mainly due to it being brushed aside and swept under the rug. I hope this gets looked into and fixed soon and i hope more people will engage in this topic so that it gets traction and eventually seen by Blizzard. Thank you in advance.
Which adventure are you finding it on? I ask because there’s two types that Blizzard added. First one is all of the mechanic a player will need to know and it will help players train thier skills. This type allows the player play against all bosses from different expansions. This one allows a player to form thier own deck.
The second type is a dungeon run where a player have to pick buckets of cards to form a deck.
Third type Book of heros of how they become the hero that they’re. A player will learn all of the lore for the character.
What you just describe is how the AI performs there’s nothing wrong with it. Dungeon run got most of the nerf to the bosses being too hard even for the pros. They change most bosess so they’re easier to defeat while leave the last boss to be a diffcult one. There’s isn’t any problem with the ai other than some players having a hard time of defeating it. After alll the player get to decide the diffcultly when it comes to the first type. Blizzard isn’t sweeping the problem underneath the rug.
Quite frankly Blizzard haven’t even added new ones for years the last one they have added is Book heros if I’m recalling correctly. Sole adventure since then haven’t been touch unlike many other modes in this game.
I didn’t bother to check the expert bots or the very old adventures for i mainly play dungeon run types and there is indeed a problem. The one i mentioned in which the bots play like absolute crap. I want them to be at least decent. The dungeon run bosses in the later phases are indeed pretty difficult to beat but not impossible. You got to have RNG on your side, though. If blizzard wanted to make the bots easier to beat then making them play like crap is not the right call. There is a problem with the A.I. about 2 to 3 patches ago it was working just fine but now they only go face, including spells. They never trade unless there’s a taunt minion and if the opponent has a weapon equipped they will trade with their face even if it means they will die in the process. They also use cards that draw when they are on fatigue and killing themselves. That is not normal behavior. I hope it gets fixed in the next patch as well as the abysmal crashing problem
This is aso happening on Practice Mode making it worthless for new players trying to practice. AI bosses suicide their board and buff you. It’s ridiculous. Do the devs even play this game or look at it?? Fix it or take it out. Really screwing with new players.
I think the AI was improved at some point? But yea now it’s worse than ever… it plays horribly and seems broken with the decisions it makes. Why would priest use coin on its first turn in order to heal your hero? That goes beyond just being ‘not good’.
It was actually kind of useful there for a little while, now it’s totally pointless and unfun again.
This issue happens more often than you think. Infact, this happens in every solo game mode, even on final bosses with “Heroic” difficulty, doesn’t seem to matter. Simply put, the game of hearthstone today has a ton of card mechanics, and the A.I. cannot determine the best use of those cards are, when to not use cards or act in a way that we perceive is common sense.
I do believe that the A.I. is actually worse because of the addition of new cards. Back in the birth of Hearthstone, unless you were playing mage or OTK warrior, in some cases spell shaman or Maly-rogue, most classes’ decks revolved around contesting the board with minions. I imagine coding the A.I. to play X card for X mana on curve, was easier to do if the complexity of the game is lower. I don’t think it’s very challenging to code the A.I. to play twisting nether, for example, when they are behind on the board. Nor do I think playing “Pyro blast” at 10 mana at enemy hero’s face when they are at 10 HP or lower was very difficult either. But now there are so many cards that have unique combos, or OTK activations, or synergy cards that make the game very complex.
As a sidenote, I have also seen A.I. sacrifice their entire board into a taunt or even SKIP their turn entirely when a taunt is on the board. I have also seen them use cards like “Volcano” when they have more minions on their side of the board. I don’t know how you code an A.I. to not play a card, even if they have a spell that they can use, or mana to use said spell.
I wonder if there is some kind of yes/no check list, if not multiple check lists, that the A.I. need to follow before they end their turn. That could be things like, is my HP full? if YES; Do not play a heal card. if No; Is my HP below 15? and you keep going with yes or no questions have been answered, and then they can play the right card.
But how do you code as the A.I. (Should I play a heal card, or should I play x cards to gain tempo on board or should I life tap (as warlock) to draw a card before making my minions attack the players minions or hero etc) Those kinds of question are something unique that players tend to ask before taking risks or making strategy to survive. Then A.I. mechanics become even more complicated when you are talking about, playing around death rattle activators, how to value trade against other minions, who to use buffs or debuffs on, silence. when to draw, board wipes, etc. This Is what I think the core of the problem is.
such a shame most of the engineers who were dealing with troubleshooting for these kinds of issues got laid off, especially since microsoft took over. ever since microsoft took over ABK the game’s quality of life gets worse and worse. they don’t even bother trying to fix the game anymore, other than when certain problems are brought up by popular players/streamers. they just keep pumping new content without fixing the one already existing and the issues just keep piling up. i know the game is dying (if not already dead) but still…
If you want a challenge clear ozumat level from book of fealin.
I did a book of heroes.
When the bot ran out of minions it indeed started buffing me