Solid alibi + freeze

I am so sick of this. You literally CANNOT INTERACT WITH MAGE! It is a singleplayer class that ignores everything going on on the board while freezing everything and highrolling with runes. This class is so ridiculously toxic and yet they nerfed the only remotely interactive part of it, dawngrasp, instead of the stupid freezes that stop you from playing the game


So you are saying you love the game and will continue to support it financially? That is what you are saying?

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They nerfed the freezes, though. They took a charge off of the location.


The freeze of today is nothing like how toxic it used to be. I think people just want to complain about freeze because it feels bad.

For example, I can freeze an entire board for 4 turns in a row and people get ANGRY but I can delete the entire board in 1 turn and they won’t say a peep…and yet the board deletion costs less mana overall and only takes 1 turn.

Seriously, the complaints about freeze in this meta are just feels bad. You’re not getting your entire board frozen turn and turn after turn. It’s extremely rare. You might get a minion or 2 frozen each turn. Big deal. Where’s the complaint about a board wipe? Non-existent.


When people say they got their WGILE BOARD FREEZED SEVEN TIMES JN A ROW REEEEEEEE they actually mean they got two or three minions frozen while the rest got pinged off because they getting better minions is alright, mage getting to deal with them is uninteractive

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There are not many board deletion mechanism left in the game, and I can easily buff out of flamestrike range.

The freeze isn’t the best, but it’s better post nerf.

There’s just so much stupid stuff in the game now that it’s just not my thing. Sire, Theo, curses, mutanus, the new infuse steal your minion crap, … it’s just an endless stream of things I don’t want to play.

Hope the game does well, but I’m out for a long time most likely.


You might want to take a step back from Hearthstone. You don’t seem to enjoy it looking at the topics you create.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:
Maybe because “board wipes” trigger deathrattles/reborns and in general don’t block your board so you can, for example, heal off the minion?
Freeze just doesn’t allow you to play the game. Cancer mechanic punishing board game simply should not exist.

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“5 months later”



Just got killed by freeze mage spamming solid alibi and hero powering face-came here to cry for a bit :sunglasses:

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This nonsense always makes me laugh inside. What a way to win an argument. Lemme just wait five months and then respond to a comment that is essentially obsolete. Congrats.

@Schyla, I’ve been wanting to apologize to you if I were aggressive and/or rude to you the last time we spoke. I had been drinking at the time and turn into a jerk when I do. Hope we’re good.

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No need to apologize Kills. I don’t remember said interaction and I’ve never felt like you’ve been rude to me.


At least my argument is still valid)

Is it? I didn’t read any here, just wanted to be annoying and ask, is it?