I played BGs a bit yesterday after patch and, as I said, I am done. I played my three matchs for my daily in Tavern Brawl and promptly logged for the day. I see that being my HS pattern for the near future as Standard is unplayable and BGs have been destroyed.
So, to occupy that former time, I tried Storybook Brawl, but I’m not sure I’m a fan of it.
Gameplay is good, but they have gated access to heroes pretty hard. You get some free ones that are okay to get you up and running, but seems like they want you to pay up to get more heroes. Not skins, the actual hero - like you would have to buy Omu if you want him as an option.
The upside is you won’t be offered heroes you don’t have, so buying a powerful one and skipping the duds actually makes you better.
I have also been playing Teamfight Tactics, which I like better, but it’s got a much steeper learning curve.
Having not played LoL, it’s not very intuitive how it works and I don’t just recognize on sight what all the UI indicators mean. I’m getting better (finaly made a top four, lol) but it will take some time to be comfortable.
I like learning about stuff, so it’s pretty interesting right now trying different comps, learning about all the items, and figuring out how the ingame economy works.
It’s significantly more complicated and subtle than HS BGs, and that may be a good thing.
What are you guys doing with all the time you used to play BGs?