I just faced a Taunt Warrior(of all things) (and yeah, I won.) running chaotic tendrils that was playing cards like: “replace all minions with volatile skeletons.”
Idk about others, but to me, class bleed and the amount of random cards is a joke these days.
Random elements like Discover or Temporary Cards are impossible to emulate with physical card games, and I do appreciate Hearthstone taking the capability to utilizing it’s unique mechanics.
Would I like a little less discover spam? Yea.
Do I want the mechanic gone? Definitely not.
I just get tired of players pulling rabbits out of hats.
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I think ever since Darkmoon Faire ish, the game developers forgot that discover or other cars generation usually nerfed how solid that card was in the first place (remember people were playing Jeweled Scarab in Handlock).
Darkmoon was the first time I can recollect where strong tempo minions had card generation attached. I don’t think I really personally noticed it severely until Sunken City.
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