So the answer was nerf mage.........LOL

I dunno. I think most of what we see here is self reporting. A good example of this is the presumption that matchmaking is nefariously rigged, a notoriously data lacking position. We’re very emotionally driven animals.

Reading not your strong suit I guess?

Quite litterally the two sentences above your post lol

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I didn’t realize you were the only person here complaining… maybe reading isn’t your strong suit.

This is what happens when people don’t actually play the game.

This deck has been targeted for complaints off an on for years.

It’s absolutely a legend capable deck in the correct hands.

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By the way:

  • even a Tier 4 deck can make Legend if you’re an extremely competent pilot. Example: Brian Kibler. This doesn’t mean that those decks are good or should be considered generally viable. The Kiblers of the world are beautiful freaks of nature, they are anything but normal and should not set the norms. Nothing against them personally ofc. And it doesn’t really matter which Tier 4 deck either.
  • The most a player can play before rank reset is limited to a month, minus necessary bio breaks. But for anything below that time cap, the more you play the more likely you are to make Legend. There is luck involved. TW Mage is a very popular deck (despite being bad), so there are lots of people pulling that slot machine lever. Most will fail. A few will succeed, even without unusually high skill. Even then, 44% winrate is so bad that even if you played 80 hours a week for a month it’s about a coin flip if you’d ever make it, and most play far less than that.

That would be valid if it wasn’t a excuse, oh except we are discussing the treatment of the Mage class in general and nobody here has said they only play mage. So again…reading comprehension.
ButI guess in your world, nobody is allowed to discuss the failure of a system, how it has failed or why. We should just “don’t talk about it and go do something else”.
Maybe we just want to discuss it because we would like to be able to play and enjoy Mage a bit more.
Where your net contribution to this discussion is “if you don’t like it leave”. Which is in no way constructive to this or any conversation, it is more just a “I don’t have anything insightful to say one way or the other so I’ll just be rude, then try and back up my rudeness”

The funny part is that this is something that could be applied to them with equal validity.

So much this. The damage done to your enjoyment is going to be permanent. And for what? The haters are ideologically committed to the belief that nerfs are the answer to their problems. But are they? How much actual satisfaction are they going to get from no longer having to play against TW Mage? I suspect much less than they hope. I suspect most of them will be back here on the forums, complaining about this or that deck, in a couple weeks.

Part of this is because they just enjoy complaining — which is fine IMHO as long as it’s coupled with the self awareness that one enjoys complaining. But mostly its because their system has failed them. Nerfs aren’t going to magically make players enjoy what they play against. You only have agency over what you play as, you don’t have any agency over what you play against, and that will ALWAYS be annoying. It’s called maturity and sportsmanship, if you were raised right you’re supposed to learn how to emotionally handle giving your opponent a turn, you get to have agency over what you play so your opponent does too and you simply suck it up because it’s the fair thing to do.

No amount of nerfs will ever, ever solve that problem. It’s not going anywhere. Try to “fix” it is like trying to “fix” gravity.

And yet when nerfs are implemented, their answer is always the same: more, more, more. They say that they’re not satisfied because it wasn’t enough, they need everything destroyed. A complete revolution of the entire system, after which ??? then liberation. The mythology of fools, whose worst disaster would be that they get what they wish for.

Time for the wisp meta. Nerf everything. Make the game as simple as tic tac toe.

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Hey, new guy, maybe some people have history here and know for a fact that several of the people in this thread play mage and pretty much mage only? Maybe everything isn’t about you.

You get notified of every reply because you created the thread, but that doesn’t mean every reply is directed specifically at you.

And my point was go look at how many people are playing a good paladin deck right now versus how many people are playing bad mage decks. Don’t be shocked when there are more mages playing trash tier decks because they are … well, whatever makes those people tick.

Those players, though, are why mage never gets nice things. The second you take the base mage and add in band wagon, mage is 1/3 of the meta and nerf bats for everybody.

Except I wasn’t rude, you were rude. I didn’t insult your intellect or your ability to read or anything else.

I said mage is right where they want it and it’s because of people who don’t play other things.

I keep reading about how X class got X that used to be a mage thing… well, you can go play it on that class and then what is the complaint? Tape a picture of Jaina over your monitor and roll shaman. It’s ridiculous.

Mage sucks right now, it does. But it needed to suck to ween the idiots off the class.


You’re from Brazil too?

And well. I’m think many mage players are just built different in the sense of actually want to show to other people what they are doing in hope of creating some sort of virtuous cycle.

This is why many atleast here on the same time they’re mad just don’t give up and even show stuff they acomplish.

With that said maybe it is time for people like me to understand that many are not only not interested on what we do but are actively annoyed by the fact that we didn’t curb under the first nerf like they do.

but …they didnt nerf a single mage card

Just the cornerstone neutral card of rainbow mage.

Miracle salesman

And the only way that only affects rainbow mage(increasing the oil cost).

Seriously. Just stop being intelectually dishonest.



Also what minami said

but we all know it was a nerf aimed at nature shaman

It did nothing to impact nature shaman. This isn’t real life, this is game design we’re talking about. We don’t care what they wanted to do, we care for what they did, because that, and not what they wanted to do, is what we have to play with.

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And we also all know it absolutely gutted mage.

Seriously, don’t be intellectually dishonest, as Minami said.

I agree with you, though.

I think the class is designed intentionally to be difficult to work, wonky, and a big puzzle. I honestly believe that’s the draw for many people who are devotees of the class.

(not a certain mage I ignore, we all know he wans to play Jaina Paladin, but that’s a side topic)

The class is made for the challenge, not the wins. If you get the wins, you’re really doing something with it.

I have no issue with this, and that’s why I keep saying mage is right where they want it - on the fringe, with high skill expression.

I’m only going to reply to this one part as going around in circles with you is pointless and honestly your replie(s) are transparent.

However, using your “logic” 1/3 of the meta is Warrior…another 1/3 DK (probably closer to 40%/40%) and yet…warrior got arguably buffed through the “nerf” and they consistently “get nice things”.
Thats the complaint. Of course if they made a strong meta Mage people would flock to it. All the same people currently barfing out warrior cards because it takes the skill of a blind half dead squirel to pilot will immediately flow over to what ever the current “hey look mom I got de winz” meta is.
My point has and will remain, that it is frustrating that Mage consistently gets hammered into “make sure it the worst class in the game” corner constantly and for no good reason.
We all get it…Mage would easily get out of hand if not careful, and that would be fine, if it didn’t happen in parallels with “watch us consistently make warrior/other class STUPID OP/Broken” and then do nothing to fix it.
It’s the whole, here is a glimir of hope for mage…JK nerf time!


Who’s “WE?”

Holy Light, mage got way more value off of this than shaman. People who actually played the game would know this.

If this truly was the devs’ intent, and they were as clueless about mage/oil otk as some are…then they really are just throwing stuff at the wall and hoping it sticks. And somehow never realize that a mage with a zero cost +7 damage (or more) would actually use it.

A good dev team (even a halfway competent one) would find a balance between those two extremes.

But this is “we designed these classes, but we prefer people not play them” actiblizz, brought to you by microsoft.

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Translation: You lost and don’t know what to do.

You clearly didn’t understand the point I made, though.

There is a good reason, and it’s that mage is overplayed relative to power. It’s been this way as long as we have stats. It will continue to be this way until mage stans drop the game.

Stop maining a class and play what’s fun. If mage isn’t fun, stop playing mage.

This is insanely ridiculous.

They did nothing to try to fix it? Are you saying warrior hasn’t been nerfed? Repeatedly? Were you not here for how dirty they did the last good pure control warrior?

I think they missed with the warrior nerf strictly because they were trying to buff highlander in other classes.

Paladin got broke right out of the meta the pass before this one.

This whole revisionist history/poor me BS from mages is damn tiring.

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Truer words have not been uttered.

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