So only 3 classes are allowed to have Deathknights/Hero cards I see

This is why when I hear any developers mention ‘balanced game’ I wonder who is actually testing the game.

There either should be a hero card for every class available at any one time in standard or none.

This is not to say that warrior, shaman and hunter can’t be beat, they can, but the amount of value they receive from these perpetual threats is not balanced compared to the rest of the classes not having access to them.

Edit: Meant to post this on multiplayer forum and not on new players forum so if moderator can move it, it’ll be appreciated. Thank you


I thought all classes have hero cards?

Not in standard, only warrior, shaman and hunter currently have hero cards in standard.

wait what? i thought all frozen throne cards went to wild?

Yes, they did.
But “Dr. Boom, Mad Genius”, “Hagatha the Witch”, and “Zul’jin” are also hero cards, and not from Frozen Throne. They are still in standard.