So long and thanks for all the fish

And yes, another one of those threads, but with a twist!

2 years and 8 months of dailies and I just can’t be bothered any more.

I used to do them daily then realised the time I was wasting so went to every three days.

And for any lucky souls that met me - free wins as I focussed solely on a trash decks that completed them as soon as possible.

But now I can’t be bothered any more, logging in daily to change the ‘win 3 games with x’, ‘playing’ every 3 days, Demon Hunter, cut and paste decks, the atrocious new solo content that is cut and paste of the atrocious old solo content back to Kobolds - I just can’t be bothered any more.

So, while not a great loss to the 1337 MLG pro earning $1m a year on the circuit, no more easy wins against what seems to be a mentally incompetent opponent.

Just remember me when you play your DH cut and paste and your opponent puts up some sort of resistance and think - I wonder what happened to that guy that used to play trash daily decks and would usually be dead by round 4?

Hmm, well played. Incredible! Oopsie!

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I hear you dude, all the best. I feel like some days I’m in a similar position. Right now I’m just logging in for that one daily and then logging off and not caring about ladder. I keep questioning why I do it. Usually it’s just to fill in time. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s not.

I want to hang for a bit to see what the next expansion is like and what the new mode is.

[Flintheart Glomgold voice]
Woah. You’ve got, like, your own whole personal thing going on here…

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See you next expac! :rofl:

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With all due respect (genuinely) - why, uh, make a deal out of it?

I mean I can’t be the only one who goes through months (sometimes years) of not playing a game, only to get hooked on it for a while… then put it aside again… then go back to it again… etc etc.

What I suppose I mean is… why “quit”? Why not just play something else - then if you fancy some hearthstone in a while, load it up?

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See you next week :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I’ve quit this game atleast 5 times by now. And now I’m still playing it.

Well you need a bit more will power then, I’m done, for good.

I see there is a new expansion - Hogwart’s? It will be a blood bath when DH gets in there and starts swinging around with his +97 character attack.

All there is is - banal - daily quests that are even more rote play than competitive.

I collected the cards and now I just don’t care.

Good luck to you all if you rage uninstall and then replay it 3 days later, I have no driver outside of card collecting so it doesn’t matter how ‘behind’ I get.

Shadow of War - what a magnificent game, probably one of many in my 1000 Steam game library.

Why waste any more of my life collecting cards I never play or even look at grinding uninspiring play to lose dailies in a game that is no different, more interesting or innovative than it was nearly 3 years ago? Somehow the complete opposite.

See you all on the launch day in August for more imaginationless cut and paste solo content and even more powerful cards than DH.

Oh look he’s back.
And under a week no less

A quitting post! Cringy joke time!

What do you call an Angry Chicken staring at a salad?

Hot chicken sees a salad.

more people should be like you and quit hs for good reason.

Fish is ironically where the game is at right now. With half the population going to BGs because standard is meh and then playing fishmen all day evday. So long Halo. I would join u if it wasnt for BG and even that is on the downward trend right now.

Not back, just got the email for the new expansion.

That’s two now isn’t it? That one before about the thing and this one about something else?

Good Lord, I remember Hearthstone, is that still going?

You know, the game where you get the cut and paste cards of the moment and use them to atomise your opponent who you are ‘matched’ with who doesn’t have them?

From two years of play - isn’t that ‘playing the meta’?

I tell you - I remember the tyranny of every 3 day logins to get the dailies but I have to admit only because of the email prompt I have deleted so can’t tell you what it was.

Otherwise - Good Lord - Hearthstone, yes, I remember that, is it still going? You wouldn’t credit it would you?

I tell you - life moves on and most people move on, but sadly some people get stuck and never move on.

Good Lord - Hearthstone, yes, I remember that, is it still going? You wouldn’t credit it would you?

So many things to do in life other than play a game that a bot could automate.

That AI thing is scary isn’t it? When they get to the level of being able to play this it will be bots versus bots and no human will be playing at all!

Although - to be fair - you can pretty much run it off a macro now!

And although - to be fair - Hearthstone is more complicated than quantum 4D chess and some would say it is more complicated than the mechanics of Creation.

Meaning if they understand it that they are ABOVE understanding how the universe works. And some would say that is quite incredible!

It could even get into surmising that Hearthstone players are more intelligent than omniscient beings, personally I wouldn’t like to comment, dodgy ground that, how many all powerful beings could one universe accommodate?

That won’t end well.

Good Lord - Hearthstone, yes, I remember that, is it still going? You wouldn’t credit it would you?

Anyway, toodle pip, might come back if I get reminded about the next expansion that will be about something!

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Lol. 2000 characters

Rofl indeed…

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K+Q vs K+R is more complicated than hearthstone. Welcome back you lasted a couple months at least.

Bumping your own good bye thread to say you’re still not coming back to hearthstone when the expansions releases. Talk about a grab for attention.


Good luck, I find that for now my 2 week break each month does the trick for me, I occasionally break my own rules and play a few games at D5, lose 8 out of 10, come here to salt the forums then go play something else.