So I ran thru Heroic Galakrond

Before I was just trying to see how many I could beat with Armor Druid, beat less than 1/3
Then after HoF I upgraded to gold DK uther and beat another 1/3 with horsemen, 2 or 3 I didn’t even have to otk, a few were pretty easy

however some were extremely tough with enormous health,
crafted gold fireball mage and beat the ones I couldn’t very fast.

Amazing Reno was the worst,
but I beat the final boss first try in like 7 mins, which was close as he hit one of my otk cards with that guy who can discard a playable card in hand.
the card back is pretty nice.

I’m doing Heroic now and I’m loving the fact we can use our decks. I’m so glad they changed it to that. I don’t have any Wild decks but my own Standard decks have been doing ok.

I hope the next Adventure is the same. I love Icecrown Citadel (still need Arthas hero).

the old ones were like this, its what got me into the game… had good rewards too
some are definitely going to be impossible for you without an otk deck,
don’t dust mechathun or warlock quest if u have it, or try to craft it, its probably the cheapest that may win all, and its good to have at least one or two good wild decks.

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