So DH dropped to 50% winrate meanwhile Warlock has 53.3%

53 is close to 50.

that’s good. it’s more balanced that almost 70 percent win rate.

Yes, we’re happy about the game being more balanced.


Imagine being so salty about having your crutch of a class toned down you spam the forum with whining threads…


You’re a clueless noob, get out of my thread.

Is it over? Can we, the huddled masses yearning to breath free, come out?

I think the storm is still brewing. I’m counting on the DH storm coming back, but at least it seems manageable at the moment. You go warlock! Keep the angry man at bay!

Funny now that I think about it. The demon hunter is being kept at bay by the class that controls demons. :thinking:

Anyhoooo… At least I can finally start playing some of those cards I bought. Yes, I can finally start playing the game.

So, Blizzard should seriously consider retuning all of the classes. This expansion blows chunks. SO glad i didn’t spend money on it.

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Gotta eat something while you’re playing. And I guess Demon Hunter Hunter Warlock is doing its job?

Quick nerf Warlock Again. The nerfs from last exapansion weren’t enough. Its been at least 10 second since I started this post why aren’t Warlocks nerfed yet?

Well…warlock has horrible matchups against Hunters, is weak against druid, is 50-50 against DH, rogue, mage. So yeah - Im happy top deck isnt favourable against multiple decks finally.

Why haven’t they nerfed yet. The data has been out for hours now. Warlock the best deck. It must be nerfed as soon as the first guy comes into the office in the morning before it gets to 53.3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%

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Guys, try Gala Warlock yourself a few 100 rounds and then we talk again. The deck is nowhere near OP, it’s just an anti-Demon Hunter deck and that is why it got a few % more. Pala, Shamy, etc., beat it, if played right!

Imagine playing a deck and having the entire forums whine about it but when it comes to other decks that are broken they shouldn’t be touched. Double standard.

Dude, you are ridiculous. You’ve been playing too long to need a crutch every expansion. DH still is overturned, and priestess of fury is an auto-win on 5.

If DH is overtuned then the four decks that are tier 1 now must be game breaking.

DH was tier 0 in standard.
Yes. There are high tier 1 decks around, which may deserve some readjusting. Maybe not.
But DH easily competed in Wild. Wild.
A new class should not dominate the entire game just because.

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Not saying it should, but still saying it’s overtuned after the nerfs is stupid. It’s not and HSreply clearly shows it isn’t as no deck from DH is even tier 1 anymore.

It still has a few overtuned cards.
But Warlock has more.

Tier 2 is fine for a new class. It is still relevant. Unlike a few select classes that were there from the beginning.

And if those cards are overtuned why can’t a deck using them not break into tier 1 at least? They are not overtuned, they are balanced after nerfs. Saying they are overtuned when you have four other decks that out proform them is laughable.

Because they are overtuned.
Look at the other classes at the actual bottom.
A 5 mana Flamestrike.
A better, cheaper, non-legendary Ragnaros.
Skull of Gul’dan is still a card other classes would love to have. Because they don’t have actual draw options. Much less consistent manacheating draw.
Of course you assumed I was only speaking of the nerfed cards.
But I was not. DH still has a fantastic set.
Just because it’s not tier 1 or 0, does not mean you have a point.
Other classes have been tier 3 and 4 for several expansions. Despite having access to more cards.
Also people just dropped DH, because they are dumb, and don’t care about experimenting with the deck.
There currently is a potential meta tyrant.
But now the meta can evolve.

Yet again, if these cards and the ones that went without nerfs are so overtuned, so game breaking in power level why haven’t they made their way into a deck that can surpass the current top four? Because they are not overtuned. It’s not hard concept to grasp. The data shows no DH goes further than the top of tier 2. Meaning they are balanced.

Balanced relative to the meta-yes.
Balanced relative to card quality-no.
Compare them to others. And tell me, without lying, that many of those cards aren’t just straight up better versions of already existing ones.

DH just has very few options as of right now.
While Warlock got far too lucky.
Card quality alone is often not enough, when you lack options.