…or should I go ahead and delete my collection?
Dont delete it give it to someone else
The nerf was so impactful? (not a wild player)
Bro just use concierge or spam incanters flow instead. Let the apprentice finally go off on her own into the world so she can go fall in love with another apprentice. Even warlocks stopped using summoning portal eventually
This got nerfed too. Is it good in some deck I’m not aware of?
These days anythings good if you realize you can cast it upwards of 4 times with tidepool pupils help APPARENTLY. But no sir I cannot say I have seen anyone use it competently, as the one guy I met who did spam it was relying on darkmoon magician rng to stay alive iirc when I asked them what the decks “point” was after the fight they said “more spells for an eventual yogg” they were very friendly though, I couldn’t even give them any real advice at the time besides maybe throwing a sire denathrius in there for a full health potion, trying to offer wild mages advice is weirrrd
Ah, you are one of those drama queens threatening with suicide, aren´t you? Please, stop talking about ii, go ahead and do it! Don´t forget to put video here, you have promised. My is ready.
Just make sure you delete all of it except for (1).
Yes delete it, you won’t be needing it anymore
You can have SA back when Ice Block is made a once per game effect.
wait, infinite casts of iceblock is bad?!
The overreaction lmbo
Maybe you should learn how to beat it
Maybe without it Mage wouldnt keep getting nerfed for wild?!?
Think about it. Most of the Mage nerfs in wild were for decks including Ice Block, usually being played more than twice, let alone once.
Wake up cupcake. Ice Block is a BIG problem Blizztards keep nerfing around instead of directly addressing!
AND Mage is likely to be on the radar, AGAIN, due to Ice block in the not too distant. “Hostage” Mage is gonna get nerfed at some point if it remains as competitive/popular as it is. Again, due to Ice Block!
I run secret mage without IB and most winning secret decks don’t. They still nerfed it. I haven’t used SA in years. Not since the days of original freeze mage, which was hard to play. Just sayin’…
Mage gets nerfed against facts/data etc. Secret mage wasn’t anywhere near tier 1 in Wild, they still killed it cause pirates and other early token decks…
maybe you should learn how to beat it
Hey you’re the only other person I’ve seen whose even mentioned Secret Mage. Would it be too forward of me to offer up my secret mage deck and ask for some pointers? Other than me not owning objection at all lol. Worked like a charm against Galakrond but it seems ineffective on other players
Your deck seems pretty slow for wild.
Here is what I run. I hit legend last two months with it, and I always hit diamond 5 at minimum. Hope it helps:)
Wild Secret 1
Class: Mage
Format: Wild
2x (1) Costumed Singer
2x (2) Ancient Mysteries
2x (2) Anonymous Informant
2x (2) Arcane Flakmage
2x (2) Heat Wave
2x (2) Rewind
2x (3) Counterspell
2x (3) Flame Ward
1x (3) Ice Barrier
2x (3) Objection!
2x (3) Rigged Faire Game
2x (4) Chatty Bartender
1x (4) Orion, Mansion Manager
2x (6) Contract Conjurer
2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner
1x (6) Norgannon
1x (6) Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I understand the fairegames and other draw support but in my experience I’ve never had a costumed singer survive long enough to trigger more times than once. Incidentally that’s the reason why I stopped using tinyfins caravan and used Gorloc Ravager in my murloc deck lol.
Oh well, experience with being disappointed by singer aside I’ll try it out at least.
Insert Rafaam “Is it a mistake? Or simply unorthodox + face palm” emote here.
I’m dumb.