Snowfall Guardian bug

The snowfall guardian shaman card has a bug where it freeze all minions and gain it’s buffs but then imediately unfreezes the players board but keeps the enemy minions frozen.

Did he attack with those minions prior to the freeze? If not, that’s not a bug.

Freeze causes the minion to miss one round of attack. If he could have attacked prior to the freeze, but didn’t, then they lost that round of attack, so will thaw after.


Just had an opponent who attacked 2 times with his windfury unit, froze the board and then it unfroze when he enden his turn.

I have heard that not attacking can do this because it counts towards freezing an attack, but attacking two times gets unfrozen and then still having windfury on the turn after would be a bug i would think.

Bump… just had this happen to me

I have a screenshot but Blizzard is lame and makes it hard to share!!!