Sn1p-Sn4p Could POSSIBLY See a Nerf

my friend is a liar and I didn’t have the time when I was stupid enough to not ask for sources. rip

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The difference is that this combo is ridiculously easy. The Mech part? Plenty of targets: Coppertail Imposter, Explodinator and Unpowered Steambot all have staying-power. The big barber Mech itself? Just throw in Dead Ringers, and no other Deathrattles. And the Experimenter isn’t a Legendary, so that’s 2 copies.

So, in other words: you only need to draw 2 cards (since the standalone Mech has so many options it isn’t even funny), 1 of which you even have 3 copies of (since the Dead Ringers search the snippy snap). That’s very easy to draw, especially if you throw in stuff like Northshire Cleric to give your opponent the choice to slow himself down or throw something down that can’t kill the Cleric, PW:Shield to draw, Doomsayer to stall, Mass Hysteria for if your combo’s a bit more down the deck than you’d like, etcetera. It’s beyond easy.


stupid misleading tittle made me think they made an announcement about changing the card

I was also thinking you might see this in rogue as well. With their ability to copy, bounce, and shuffle copies, it could be absolutely insane.

They could just keep magnetizing them repeatedly making one big giant mech. If its silenced or hexed, they could keep making more…plus the deathrattle…oh boy.

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Honestly the card is hideously broken even without the priest combo. 3 mana for 4-5 of stats? With echo, magnetic and deathrattle all being super helpful keywords? Insane.

Let’s be honest here - this card basically makes control warrior the top dog again, because the longer a warrior drags a game out, the more chance they have of finding a second or third copy of this off dr boom and steamrolling you with it.

IF it makes priest somewhat viable they WILLL use this as an excuse to nerf northshire

I don’t understand. Warlock can do the exact same thing with Glinda, Mechwarpers and any magnetic minion, and the deck is garbage. Why do people magically think Priests janky meme combo will be somehow better?

Maybe no one ( = minority) cares about wild.

Because the Glinda combo needs 9 mana not 5, 4 cards(with one of those being a 1 off legendary) not 3,Warlock has no great ways to remove taunts,priests can add health to stealthed minions to make them more surviveable, and the small matter that this is standard not Wild and thus a very different power level.

Now perhaps this combo won’t be op, you’ve got to hope the devs spotted and tested this, but comparing it to the Glinda combo just shows why it’s better and will be played vs substantially weaker opposition.

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Blizzard has just said this combo is broken and nerfed reckless experimentor into garbage. Its just too easy, too cheap, and there are ways to tutor for sn1p sn4p

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I doubt Sn1p=Sn4p gets a nerf, if anything it will be that echo does not get affected by the Reckless Experimenter proc.

The card is fine but it is the interaction with 1 other card that may or may not be (still hard to say how good it will be). Although it does seem like a strong combo.

No way Sn1p-Sn4p gets nerfed, it is Reckless Experimenter that will be fixed to not work with echo minions.

Its from boomsday and it will rotate out next year.

Reckless Experimenter not nerfed into Garbage. The Mecha’thun combo still works and that’s all it was really used for.

This really annoys me, made a bit of a mistake, well then let’s just nerf the least powerful class in the game and make a potentially interesting card worthless, lazy , lazy, lazy.

The fact they missed the interaction in the first place is absolutely shocking, literally all they had to do was type deathrattle into the collection manager and check through the cards , see Reckless Experimenter reduces your new echo card to zero mana and the alarm bells should have been ringing, doesn’t give me much confidence in their playtesting regime at all!!.

Well here comes priest , hard bottom of the class rankings, as I’m sure the buffs to mech paladin will lift it up, and every other class is getting some useful stuff with the buffs, and priest gets nothing useful, the buff to extra arms might be nice if priest could play a mid-range tempo deck, but they just don’t have the cards so it’s useless for now.

Flipping Heck I’m cheesed off!!.

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This combo may have been missed, then they play tested it after and figured out the combo was too strong.

Turns out millions of people > a hundred or so (might be off by a bit) working on Hearthstone. I’m not really upset about them making “mistakes”, if you can really call it that considering it was fixed before release, i’m just happy they made a decision so quickly on whether or not it should be left in the game as is.

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Well , yes , mistakes do happen , and rectifying them before they cause a problem is the way to go, but this was an interaction they NEVER should have missed, it would have taken someone typing “deathrattle” into the collection manager and looking through the cards for half an hour to spot it, gives me zero confidence in their playtesting/balance team and demonstrates quite how marginal priest is when it comes to design, they don’t even know what our cards do! I don’t believe this would have happenend if Experimenter had been a Warrior or Rogue card.

I also object to the solution, let’s just nerf the weakest class in the game and make one of their more interesting cards quite a lot worse, I was really hoping for a 3 mana egg in the next expansion, not so bothered now.

Tbh I’m just frustrated with the apparent disregard for Priest as a class, we have such a hodge-podge of simply awful cards that have seemingly no theme or synergy, certainly not enough to build a viable deck, cards like Cloning device, Surrender to Madness, Holy Water are just so bad it boggles my mind they are costed so high, why!

I think Priest as a class is going to be VERY weak once the Mech event kicks in, they got no useful buffs , have no synergy with Sn1p-Sn4p and were already near the bottom of the heap, I can see them almost completely disappearing from ladder altogether.

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Blizzard have a history of nerfing cards on their last month before they rotate out. See Raza.

You couldn’t be more painfully incorrect.

Reckless Experimenter wasn’t being played in the meta at all. The Priest decks being ran aren’t running RE.

So why on Earth are you trying to say that this card is making Priest worse? It was NEVER PLAYED. Blizzard is trying to stop making Priest BROKEN.
Are you really trying to argue that if RE wasn’t nerfed, Priest would be good? Seriously?

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so u are saying that u can face prist killing ALL metchs every turn??