Well, where InsanityLock stops, Sludgelock 3.0 picks up!
https://ibb.co/LgWymxd in-game
https://ibb.co/vxyxLqd 2 games after in the lobby
https://ibb.co/SK3x0C0 stats and win streak
Too many rogues, DK-s and shamans called for a change of pace. In Diamond V, I picked up a new iteration of Sludgelock, one which combines the best of both worlds: early game from Insanity, mid and late game from Sludgelock.
Yogg and Zilliax out, 2x Tidepool Pupil out;
1x Party Fiend and 1x Eat the Imp! in, 2x Tentacle in
Early game is monstrously strong. No decks in the meta should be able to have a board control first 4-5 turns against this monstrosity. If that happens to you, you have misplayed, either mulligan or what to play.
Sample is very low, I’m probably highrolling; currently 15-4, but it doesn’t matter. If it works in this rank, it works in every rank.
It worked well for the first ten or so games then started sucking quite a bit once you hit more control like decks. Dks can drop the dazzler or the cheese and put crazy stats on board for next to nothing.
Any deck that can put stats on board to compete will just destroy this deck.
But yes, you definitely getting The element of surprise, most people think you are pain or fatigue lock not sludge.
It seems to work okayish, but you really can’t compete with late game with pretty much any deck, you need to win turn 6
Yeah, the iteration 2.0 could win late game, due to Yogg and Zilliax, but this one is much faster.
I don’t understand, control decks are the reason why I play this, you shouldn’t lose against those
3/4 defeats are from another Warlock because they drew luckier
Either way, thanks for giving it a spin
Tidepool was awkward even when it cost 1 mana because you don’t get to spam spells as much as you do on InsanityLock
Now it’s just plain useless. You DON’T rely on Popgar + crescendo combo.
You mostly tempo out popgar to heal yourself with 3-4-5 sludges you collected. You don’t have Encroaching to ramp up your crescendo to rely on popgar + crescendo. You usually use crescendo early game to poke board so your minions can take over.
You talking about? It seemed so fun when it was OP with the carts in Badlands. I hated losing to it and the only reason I never played it is that I never started crafting warlock cards soon to be rotated (f2p).
The only reason it hasn’t been nerfed for the 2nd time is because noone plays it.
It’s like with Handbuff pally, 4% playrate isn’t enough to get a deck nerfed, even if it’s broken to the bone
I’m glad it stays that way, but I’m honestly both surprised and disappointed noone here likes the playstyle.
Apparently, board-based decks are too hard for this forum… cuz you can’t say the deck is boring if you don’t even play it.
It’s very fun. It’s got board control, it’s got OTK potential, it’s got aoe clears and heals and the most interesting part of it all, almost every turn is a puzzle because of how sludges function.
To end on a note more familiar to how these trolls think and behave: just because you’re a hardstuck dumpster legend who doesn’t know how to play board-based decks, it doesn’t mean the deck is bad. Quite the contrary. You are bad.
Wut. I assure you I check daily from only 100 samples to higher samples on all brackets of the ladder on hsguru. Its best is ~60% on Diamond and Diamond-Legend and on high Legend it becomes Tier ~4; it’s often worse than flood; hell exca is sometimes better because it’s at least not that predictable because it generates some random cards.