Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A9 2018 - Unable to Login

Hey, I’m having the same problem in my Galaxy A9 2018. Is there any info that I can provide to help?

Quick update: Yesterday I was able to open the app using some of the workaround above (opening the app, waiting 2 sec, exiting, cleaning cache, coming back) but when I tried to start a game (play mode) I got the message that I was disconnected and wasn’t able to connect.

Hey, SirLucas! Thanks for the new report! I moved you over to a new thread with the device in the title in case we can receive some reports of this specific device. We haven’t seen the A70/A80 issue with the Galaxy A9 yet, but it is possibly related to the issue.

To test, do you experience the same issue when using the mobile connection instead of the wifi connection?

If it does not persist on a different connection, then the problem is tied to a connection issue. If it does persist on a different connection, I suspect that its the same issue as the A70/A80 since this is caused by a certs issue. We’re good on needing any additional information since our teams found the source of the problem and working on a fix now :slight_smile:

I’ll keep an eye on this thread for any similar reports with the Galaxy A9 devices, and keep you up to date on when the patch for fixing the certs issue is pushed, so we can test it out then :slight_smile: Thanks again for your report!

Can confirm also have A9 and the game wont work since the last update always getting the “oops! Playful sprites…” error and i tried everything uninstall and re-install change password sometimes it would work for just one log in then the issue returns even the "workaround that involves the cache " doesnt help

the same problem, on wifi or mobile connection. The workarounds on the topic didn’t worked.

Thank you for following up with me, SirLucas! Appreciate your report too, Law! I’m getting this device added to our tracking in the mean time. Our team should be testing the fix soon to push out to everyone. I’ll update here once we have more information.

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Same! I have A9+. Even I changed my password multiple times, issue still prevails.

I’m having problems logging in using mobile data on my iPhone 6S, I’m able to log in at home on my wifi but I get stuck at the tavern doors when using data. Have tried redownloading the game, switching phone off and on again, nothing changes.

The 17.2 patch should be pushed to Android some time today to fix up the login issues. Mobile platforms take a bit longer to update due to the approval process for the app stores. Once the update is pushed, please let us know if the login issues continue on Galaxy A9 devices.

[Update] The update should be live on Android! In the App Store, it should be showing the Version as 17.2.47374.

This thread is only for the Android 10 Galaxy A9 devices. If you are experiencing issues with iOS, PC, or Mac, please refer to a relevant thread or create a new thread.

Hello, Caterpepi!

I’ve been able to login after the update. Thanks for the help!

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] Hearthstone - Can’t connect/Login on Android