Sire Denathrius - Quillboar Conflict

So… you know the Mangled Bandit? That lovely little person who eats “a spell” to give you blood gems? Well… guess what? It ate my gem pouch… I got the gem pouch mid-combat, and they happily ATE THE GEM POUCH and gave me back 3 blood gems as soon as we were out of combat. I do not think that is working as intended… I sure hope not! That is not at all a fair trade. I understand why it can eat tavern spells… maybe! But an 8 gold Gem Pouch specific to my hero??? I think not!

Working as intended, gotta play smart

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Him thought it was a bag of Fruity Pebbles cereal. :face_holding_back_tears:

Yeah it sucks but you should have anticipated it being generated into your hand and thus a possible casualty of that minion. Either flood your hand with other spells like blood gems or coins or cheap 1 cost tavern spells, or hold off on having that minion on the board until you are done with your quests. It can easily take any spell such as if you got a triple towards the end of the build phase and didnt want to risk the game shoosing the next tier minion for you when it animated the discover part. that Triple Discover spell is just as much a valid target as is your quest reward spell. the only ones not typically vulnerable are spellcrafts you had prior to combat as they dissolve when your turn ends. However spellcrafts you gain during combat are viable targets for this fella.