Silence Elwynn Boar bug

My opponent played five Elwynn Boars and I’ve sillecened them by Smothering Starfish and I thought the number of boars require to complete the quest will not be counted.
What a suprise when I discovered the silence did nothing and on the next turn my opponent played two more Elwynn Boars and then killed them what gives him a sword what basically was end of my game

Why silence do not affecting boars deathrattle at all?
Looks like a major bug to me as we can silence any other deathrattle minions but not this one?

This is not a bug.

Silencing removes the Deathrattle which summons the weapon.

Silencing does NOT remove the minion type.

You need to transform the boars or use an effect which just removes them from the game like Reno. Then those boars are not counted towards the 7 boars that are needed for the weapon.

Silenced boars can’t trigger the Deathrattle but still count for the weapon.


What makes you think that silencing a boar before killing it will invalidate the condition “If you had 7 Elwynn Boars die this game” ?

If you silence a jade Idol before killing it, you deny the “your jade idols have +1/+1 this game” that is part of the deathrattle.
But for cards like Mogu Cultist, Astral Automaton, Pogo-Hopper, Elwynn Boar… silencing the previous minions has no impact on the final effect

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