Deployed siege tank (after launching starship) does not deal excess damage to face after using shudderblock.
Do you see that Shudderblock says the repeated battlecry cannot damage the enemy hero?
oops, did not see that, nevermind then
Was about to make another thread about this interaction. Completely forgot it doesn’t go face in my excitement.
Does shudderblock work with raynor relaunching banshees?
The battlecry will always trigger three times, the question is to know if the conditions are still met after the first battlecy
Summoning a starship you’ve launched does not negate that you launched a starship. Since Hearthstone does not have a proper graveyard to store dead minions, you don’t bring your starship back to life, you summon a new one, so yes you can triple summon
In opposition, you can’t benefit three times from the effect of the Exodar, because the condition is that you have a starship to launch, the first battlecy launched it, then you have no starship to launch for the second one
Aaaand another one you missed…
when using seige tank with Shudderblock against shielded Artanis, the first shot should break the shield, and the other two should go through, but that doesn’t happen and he takes 0 damage…
Did you even read this thread?
Shudderblock says the triple battlecry cannot damage the enemy hero.
You say it shouldn’t deal damage to the enemy hero, but last I checked Kalimos, Primal Lord triple battlecry still can do 18 Burst from hand to enemy hero with shudderblock. So yes, its a bug.
kalimos doesnt deal dmg, the invocation deals the dmg
if a card directly reads as, this deals x dmg, it wont do anything
Kalimos interaction has recently been changed so he no longer deals damage
Does brukan still deal dmg?
They said they fixed additional cards with the same behavior. The only ones I know being Brukan and Kronx I guess they got changed too