Siege Tank dealing 0 excess damage

First it sucks that i cant show screenshots or a gameplay video here! Change this asap!

I just played a siege tank, deployed after shudderblock and hit two 1- and one 2 health minion. Instead of 26,this piece of poop dealed 0 damage to my opponent. Thanks for nothing. This is clearly a bug. Otherwise I dont understand what ‘Excess damage hits the enemy hero’ is supposed to mean

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This is not a bug.

A battlecry which is tripled by Shudderblock can’t deal damage to the enemy hero.

Look at the card.

Legendary · Minion · Whizbang

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“It sucks that users can’t post offensive or inappropriate content freely for all to see”


Do you see that Shudderblock says the triple battlecry cannot damage the enemy hero?

how long can this go on?

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