Get rid of this dog crap mechanic, everyone knows it’s toxic but the Dev, why are they so brainless.
How is it toxic? People often use that phrase but have no idea what it means it seems.
So the Warrior legendary that shuffles bombs into your deck deleting a minion on board, in hand, and in your deck isn’t in the slightest toxic card design? Through no fault of your own you watch your deck say goodbye. None stop plagues with can decide a control match up, no fault of the player on the receiving end. How isn’t this considered toxic?
Plague mechanic AND Boomboss were specifically designed to decide how control matchups are won and lost. They target those decks hard. Completely useless against other types of decks.
Just like Jade Idols and how they undermined every other control deck at the time, wonderful design isn’t it.
Whoa… there’s a huge chasm between that and say plagues or an albatross. Don’t lump them together.
The toxic part of bomboss isn’t that it shuffles something into the deck, it’s that what it shuffles is toxic as all get out and double that with brann in play.
I think both jades and plagues are great fun. Bomboss not so much.
Deleting unplayed cards is where I draw the line.
If your not going to play the card that counters it
You get what you deserve
What if I ran repackage just so I could give gifts to the opponent? Is shuffling bad if your opponent is willingly giving you their precious Madame Lazul? What if I’m using mad duke in the shudderblock deck to hand them the mini or A F. Kay just to see what they’d do with it?
Yes, I’m making the star slime feel fair/rude in wild by handing my opponent the second shudderblock, as if to say “You can have a FRACTION of my power and nothing will change!”
Boomboss is far more toxic than plagues imo. I’d be curious what the played win rate on it is.
Honestly if the TNT could potentially destroy itself it would be far less annoying but I’d probably still hate it.
The point of the shuffling in cards mechanic to the opponent’s deck to change the previous status quo of the solitaire gameplay that the decks these mechanics target. Before this mechanic, there was a ticking clock down to when the player would have their I win combo and the goal was just to out aggro or OTK them before they drew their combo. It got so bad that the moment you recognized the deck for that solitaire play it was better to concede than waste your time. It isnt toxic it is a strategy against a very lame version of being toxic being the solitaire gameplay.
See, I’ve been hearing the solitaire comparision for a while now and- Ok I was about to type a long winded post comparing it more to Go Fish instead and halfway through writing about how players ask each other to trade minions or trade spells ex: “Player 1 asks the opponent if they got any 3s to answer their 2 minions” paragraph I realized I was literally describing how Solitaire plays.
I can’t showboat my way outta this one it’s literally the equivalent to a boxer punching their opponent when they bow to them instead of returning the bow, it’s not illegal per se, there’s no rule against it, but it’s definitely unsportsmanlike as hell.
As a confirmed warlock who just admitted to the solitaire comparision being more real than people know, I must conceed: It is a lame strategy.
Especially with the newer meta decks with lock all being designed to hurt yourself to the point of bringing out gigantic mana cheated minions out so soon nearly no one can recover for it. So as long as the lock gets to keep having turns, their giant minions are assured within a certain possible number of turns. Either out aggro it, which serves their purposes if they already have those big guys in hand, or disrupt it by doing card shuffles to either bring small gains to you and small losses to them gradually or do devastating sabotage by blowing up cards in hand deck and board possibly crippling them entirely.
When disruption is the best way to win it can be seen as annoying. but otherwise decks become stale with their solitaire play.
I still refuse to acknowledge a guy literally wanting to kill themselves as a valid strategy, the only thing they’re cheating is themselves and they deserve every single conceed I force them to have when I steal their quest reward when they INEVITABLY complete the quest before they can safely play Tamsin. CLEARLY they wanted to die or else they wouldn’t have gone below 20 health, into my clutches. IDGAF if you wanna live dangerously, wear protection when you decide to literally screwing yourself is gonna be your deck’s strat
I can tell you haven’t been playing many FPS games. People in there will jump up and down your virtual corpse.
Having your deck disrupted a little is nothing offensive.
works against bsm pretty effectively
i think having warriors able to get extra mana and be able to play brann and 2x boomboss sooner can be miserable. When you have 12 of them in your deck, and because they keep drawing when your deck is already low, there goes your whole deck, hand, and board in 1-2 rounds at most.
Think of It like using a little of Venom to spice things.
Yes, It is toxic as heck. But in moderation will not kill anyone.
That’s cuz BSM is twiddling their thumbs
and painting watercolors until their magic comes online. Felbat spam is literally Sparky from class royale, the only thing it’s gonna kill are idiots who didn’t tactically plan for the barrel of monkeys gambit. Which means it’s LITERALLY a tactical anti idiot device as EVERYONE should be dressed for wide boards. I can understand forgetting to dress for tall, but after losing to your 90th murloc or mech aggro deck in a row you’re expected to notice the pattern and plan for the murloc tide or the regular kind of minion tide
Also Carn isn’t wrong. Someone tilts you TF2 or Overwatch you’re making sure they can see you spanking their corpse on the kill cam or seeing you taunt on every kill
Not one sentence of yours made any sense and I feel slightly less intelligent for having read it.