Shudderwock bug with illucia

Alright so I found a bug while playing wild shudderwock, my enemy played illucia and it didnt swap decks allowing him to steal all my shudderwocks and my reno, this lost me the game. I got it recorded in fireside deck tracker if anyone wants the link hmu on my blizz acount.

I don’t understand what bug you’re reporting. Are you saying that your deck did not swap back on the next turn?

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When he played the shudderwock he stole from my hand decks did not swap again

Did they play two shudderwocks?

The first would swap decks.
The second would swap them back, so you each had your normal decks.
But, then the “swap back next turn” effect would give him your deck permanently.


and how does the second "swap back next turn " gets cancelled ?

he still havent explained the situation nor posted a replay so we are still just guessing what interaction he might talk about

There is no second swap effect. They don’t stack. It’s a single thing; either you’re swapping next turn or you aren’t.

they do stack and the way he described it the second swap was cancelled by something

same happens if you play 2 grizzled wizard at the end of the turn the hero power swap back twice because you played 2 grizzled wizards

i dont think there is a way to cancel the second swap like you claim or you would ve said it by now

since he is talking about a wild deck and hasnt given any details about what cards that was played we can still only speculate. but there are ways to access king togwaggle for example which would switch the decks.

since the details are vague there is also the possibility that he just has misunderstood how the cards work,

OK so here’s some further explaination. I had shudderwocks and reno in hand (all 1 mana). The priest playing illucia taking my hand and then played one of my 1 mana shudderwocks. Shudderwock didnt repeat the first illucia not giving me my hand back.

its probably better if you just post the replay you said you have

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“Hand and deck” I should’ve gotten my shudderwocks back in my hand

Did your opponent play lots of battlecry minions up to that point? There’s a limit to the number of battlecries that Shudderwock will replay.

No, it was a priest raza I believe

just post the link instead…

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