Shudderblock Bug, Minions unaffected

Not sure if anyone else has reported this, but Shudderblock has a weird bug where its Battlecry will make the Battlecries of cards like Fire Elemental or the new Lamplighter card completely useless. As the animation from their Battlecries will play 3 times, like they should, but no actual damage will be applied to the targeted minions.

I know because it happened to me in Ranked, costing me a game, and then I recreated it multiple times in Solo content just to see if its a fluke. Its not, its a PERSISTENT issue.

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This is not a bug. Please read the card more closely:

Legendary · Minion · Whizbang

The battlecry can’t damage the opponent directly.

The persistent issue is the playerbase not reading the card text in its entirety
Yes it’s been reported multiple times that shudderblock makes battlecries deal no damage face
And every time the answer is
Have you only read the card text before playing the card ?

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Not the opponent, minions. That’s the issue. Though I probably should have specified, that’s my B


A replay would be helpful in that case. Otherwise it’s difficult to say what might cause this.

Okay, bear with me here. I went back into Hearthstone to try and recreate it and record the bug, only to find that its completely gone. Everything works totally fine now. I have no idea how or why. All I did was leave the game for a day and then logged back in.

I tried to look up what might have caused this temporary bug and/or if anyone else has experienced it. All I found was someone’s Arena run being ruined because Shudderblock completely nullified its own and another minion’s ability to do damage period , even while phisically attacking.
So its not unprecedented , but the most I can tell you is that its an incredibly rare bug that just kind of randomly shows up when Shudderblock is involved.

So, your guess is as good as mine :stuck_out_tongue:


Interesting. I will keep an eye out for this bug since I’m also using this card. Thanks for trying to recreate this situation.


So the battlecries meant to be recreated by playing shudder are ones that deal damage to enemy minions? and enemy minions only? (Such as the difference between “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all enemies” vs “Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions”)

More or less. Shudderblock removes the next minion you play’s ability to deal damage to the enemy’s Hero. Thank God tho. Shows that they learned their lessons from Shudderwock

The card is only supposed to negate any damage that would try to go face directly from the battlecry
“Deal 2 to all ennemies” should deal 6 to all ennemy minions and 0 face
If it suddenly deals 0 to minions too, that’s bugged

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that what i was asking the OP to clarify for us. I knew how shudder worked already. If the minion they played said one or the other can give us some clarity as to if we are dealing with a genuine bug or something else that needs explaining from someone more knowledgeable lol.

Edit: if a battlecry involved targeting, normally I’d assume that when something else triggers it the target is randomly selected. so even tho the odds of it being slim, could not the battlecry have randomly landed on the enemy face those 3 times and therefore can be explained away by shudder’s effect?

I dont know what battlecry we are specifically discussing as it wasnt written out in the OP’s post. (I dont recognize the card names either). Just something else I thought of after i hit post a moment ago


Common · Minion · Core · Battlecry: Deal 4 damage.

Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Deal damage (Improved by each turn in a row you

So it may have been terribly unlucky but also no bug at all if the target of the battlecries the shudder invoked all picked the enemy face.

That’s my bad. I misundestood. The Battlecries played and hit the minions I targeted myself, but no damage was applied.

So it showed the animation of like whatever it is a fireball thingy going from the source minion to the randomly targeted enemy minion, and then 0 dmg happened? DO i have that series of events correct?

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Yup, that’s the long and short of it.