Should Hero card be played only Once Per Game?

Infinite Terran Shaman is the reason I come up with this idea. The combination of Triangulate + Photographer Fizzle + Jim Raynor (optionally with Shudderblock) has gone beyond reach since any countering measure does not exist in Standard format.

  • Steamcleaner is gone.
  • Mage can only use Counter Spell Secret and hopes the opponent is not smart enough to play around it.
  • Polymorph Potion is not available, and yet again players could play around it.
  • While being built, Starships are indestructable. No card can remove all the Starship parts pile there.

The only way to stop this combo right now is either Dirty Rat or Hamm, the Hungry. There might also be some Priest cards able to steal Fizzle, but I am not sure. Moreover, as people around here always say, the most effective way (so blatant) is just killing your opponent fast enough before they pull their tricks.

I am fully aware of the killing fast method just like everyone else, but it might not work as easily as people think.

Infinite Terran Shaman is special as it almost has no weakness.

  • Hex can disable every minion without magic protection.
  • Thrall’s Gift can also provide addtional control cards like Hex, Lightning Storm, and it can also surprise anyone with Bloodlust.
  • Finding more cards has never been a problem for Shaman as the class has access to many Card Drawing cards.
  • In early game, Infinite Terran Shaman is not weak. It can compete with other aggro decks or classes just fine, because Terran unit cards are cheap to play. Unique Shaman Terran unit like Missile Pod is strong too.
  • In late game, this is when the deck truly shine as it can relaunch all Starships indefinitely by playing Jim Raynor again and again. With some luck, those Starships are capable of demolishing your board, regaining massive armor, and dealing damage directly to Health.

Usually, a deck with strong late game should be weak in early game or even mid game inclusively. However, this is not the case with Infinite Terran Shaman. In my opinion, the deck should be toned down.

Some people has already suggested that Photographer Fizzle should be nerfed. I mostly agree with them but later I find another alternative way to nerf the deck, which is nerfing Jim Raynor instead along with all other Hero cards. They are mostly OP already and should not be allowed to play more than once per game. More importantly, it feel a little weird when playing the same Hero cards again and again while you are that Hero already.

Jim Raynor has played Jim Raynor and Jim Raynor and another Jim Raynor … :face_with_raised_eyebrow: