ShotGun Pallys rejoice!

Anyone see the new 100 cost minion card??

Shotgun pally stocks went way up! Even Renethal is gonna struggle.


100 dmg should kill pretty much anything


What 100 dmg, the card is 100 cost.

They are talking about drawing it with holy wrath, which deals damage equal to the base cost of the card it draws (so, 100 in this case).


since they changed order in the court to draw a card you’d have to use lorekeeper polkelt or like overplanner or something i guess… still pretty sick

They nerfed Order In The Court to only re-order the deck from highest to lowest, it no longer draws a card.

Though, you bring up Overplanner is a good idea actually. Allows you to delay it a bit longer in case you need more time.

oh. so they did. that sucks i hate losing to holy wrath lameness lol


I can respect hating it for sure. I definitely enjoyed watching it though when it was a decent deck during Rastakahn’s rumble.

people being upset about power in WILD, should play standard.

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Bet bomb strats don’t look so useless now. That kinda setup would make at least one Explodineer MANDATORY to hold back the inevitable conclusion with their shuffles

it doesn’t even help though because they pull it off in one turn usually or eventually but yeah i guess it could help yeah i dunno how i’d tech explodineer into every one of my decks though lol might have to though i haven’t looked through the rest of the spoiled cards though

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Well, if the expansion is about the forgotten demon horde then everyones favorite truffle shuffle class demon hunter might be getting a defibrillator. I haven’t seen much either. Idk, maybe this is just the devs way of saying “we ain’t asking anymore, go back to using flint firearm and benevolent banker if you’re tired of your opponent getting dangerous spells off” With Renehal coming back until judgment day I may have to start using him again myself, I replaced Flint with DP Zephrys but, maybe I need more slot machines, more dakka!

Still gonna lose to aggro

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No longer does warlock have the monopoly on showing those turn 2 dirty rat players whats up.