Shop Closed on PC after update

it seem that i can’t access the shop on my pc.


Ditto, ditto.

Works on phone. Ok if you have it installed on another device. Yay!!!

Some acknowledgement that this is a significant issue would be nice.


Having the same issue here.

Same issue and no response from support

Same issue :disappointed_relieved: “Shop Closed” I reinstalled the game, battle. net and still nothing. I have windows 8.1 !

I’m having a problem with the ingame store. It is closed since the last update. Windows 7 - América

Same issue. Been searching around for a fix but haven’t seen anything that’s worked for me. Also haven’t seen a blizzard employee acknowledge that this is a thing, which is weird since it’s the place where they take our money that’s broken. You’d think they’d be all over this one.

Same here, with one additional symptom I haven’t seen mentioned that may be related. Every time I launch, it initiates a Hearthstone update that does not appear to succeed. It sits there at the “Initializing…” state for some time, then the update bar disappears and I can launch Hearthstone. Close and re-launch, it happens again, completely repeatable.

I was able to access the shop from my phone, after some difficulties getting it to complete its update.

We’re investigating this here. Please try the steps and add the requested information if it doesn’t work!