I’ve been playing this game on and off on new accounts for about 4 years now and as long as I can remember every time a new expansion comes out Evolve Shaman has been a problem and swiftly gets nerfed. Just played against a Shaman who played Gnoll on turn 2, coined and evolved it into a 12/12 Deathwing… Even Rogue needs literally the perfect hand and they still have to play their entire hand of cards to get a 12/12 on turn 2. The thing is this is a very common occurrence, just about every game against Shaman with a coin you will see Gnoll played and evolved on turn 2. Evolve needs a mana increase.
Good, hope he destroyed your health.
And Shaman needs to Go Second (because Coin), have Schooling on T1, have Gnoll, and have Location. And roll a 12/12 instead of an 8/8. Sounds like the perfect hand and perfect roll to me.
I faced one who had an 8/8 off the gnoll on turn two just a few minutes ago. Still won. Was playing pirate rogue
They didn’t need location. Only coin, Gnoll and Schooling
Yes so if you are looking for empathy this is an awful place to look it’s full of salty jaded and just simply mean players as demonstrated by the first response.
In terms of this happening, I don’t doubt it happened, I’ve been through similar situations.
However, I appreciate you coming to post here because you provide an additional data point, even if it is anecdotal. If I read your OP correctly, it sounds like you are a pretty casual player based on the “on and off” description. Based on this I’m guessing you are playing in the lower ranks.
This highlights a key concern of mine: the devs of hearthstone are not concerned at all how bad some of the “feelsbad” moments are to lose to. I think this is a major roadblock to broader acceptance of hearthstone as a favourite pastime of a larger playerbase as it once was.
The main issue at hand here is, there are generally to extreme types of players in HS:
- Veterans, they’ve seen it all
- Casuals, they see only a very small subsample of play and so outlier feelsbad moments have a disproportionate effect on them.
So let me explain, as a veteran you have tones of experience to draw on, when you get highrolled such as this, you usually think, well that’s a bit ridiculous now isn’t it, but at least its not as bad as X, or Y or Z, that was far worse, I have a fighting chance here.
Casuals will see this and largely give up thinking they don’t have a fighting chance, and, perhaps worse, they will get tilted, and lose many more subsequent games.
Whats really bad about this deck is that it will see the most play at low brackets, where it is likely to do the most damage to the player base.
Well that’s Hearthstone.
How does him losing a hearthstone game affect me? How is it mean that I told him what I told him?
The OP doesn’t care about the response he’s just here to rage vent, like any other game forum. I’m not here to coddle the rage baby.
You come here to complain about cards and effects that you hate or are salty over too. Empathy simply means you recognize that same part of yourself in another and relate, that’s all. No coddling required ™.
I’m guessing you are just reciprocating what you get from these forums back onto others, I understand it’s pretty normal to do so.
I’m currently in Legend and on my old account I was rank 38 Legend in wild during Alterac Valley with Even Warlock and Reno Warlock. I’ve been playing on and off because I used to delete my accounts when I needed to focus on other aspects of my life like school and stuff.
Quote me so I can see. I must have really gotten to you to go over my hearthstone forums profile.
Violate my past posts, and grab them and quote me.
I disagree. I think they consider “feelsbad” far more than they should. Here’s a link to Alecco’s tweet about last August’s patch which contained nerfs that were very much about how players’ feelings rather than stats and win rate.
Based on this, you sound like a veteran, I’m surprised something like this has tilted you.
I mean, no one gets to 38 in an hour a day type play, so you must of been pushing fairly hard and you must of saw some “****** up ****” in your hey day, so all I can recommend to you is to draw on that experience, and roll with the punches.
12/12 turn 2 is not unwinnable for some MU, but really context dependent. For example, if you play a class that has a flexible game-plan like ramp druid you can sometimes discover a imprisonment off a planted evidence and that buys you 3 turns right there. I’ve won games doing exactly that.
If you’re playing a class that is a railroad type with zero flexibility in game plan like pure paladin, then you are f’ed up, no way you are coming back from that. But that is the trade off you are making when you chose to play pure paladin, you are playing a brain-dead aggro deck to trade off flexibility (and having to make decisions) for consistency and straight-forward play.
Note, my descriptions above are form standard but you seem to play wild, so all I can recommend there is to double down on “use your experience and try to avoid decks that don’t have flexibility if you like being able to deal with highrolls like this.”
I’ll never understand this perspective. When games should be fun, and certain aspects of a game are unfun (as agreed upon by a large enough portion of that game’s playerbase), it’s only reasonable to remedy it. Now, I’m not saying that T5 handles this well, and instead of finding a way to compromise between those that despise whatever card(s) it is and the subset that love it, they destroy that card because it’s easier than being creative.
You’re almost (or maybe just are) asking for players to recalibrate what they enjoy. That’s, to me anyway, a bit ridiculous. Seemingly, T5 agrees.
Evolve Shaman still exist? I haven’t seen them. Only I faced were shudderwock shaman.
I rather dislike this generalization. While there are many salty and jaded players (that make you wonder why they still even play), there are many good and helpful people here. For me, I try my best to be kind. Sometimes that can get lost in the interpretation of tone when reading comments. For this reason, it’s a good idea to give players here the benefit of the doubt, and assume they’re replying in kind, unless shown otherwise.
@ImAnAngel, there is zero reason to reply if you can only muster snide remarks. It adds nothing, but maybe insult, to the conversation. This can also assist in deterring players from coming here, and in others that are here potentially leaving. Be nice, man.
Lastly, @Qwark, it happens. Today I received the quest to complete three matches as shaman, and so I gave Evolve Shaman a try. The deck feels very hit or miss, albeit, I didn’t play much of it. I did manage a T4 12/12 in standard, so yeah, I felt bad about it and I’m sure my opponent wasn’t happy. Try and take it in stride, brush it off, and get back on that metaphorical horse.
There are plenty of classes now that create ‘non’ games. Jackpot rogue can do it with jackpot and that card that makes the next spell cost 0.
Hopefully someday someone on the development team changes their mind about those sorts of decks.
If anything my idea would be to cap the amount of mana cheat for an effect. Like make that rogue minion only reduce the cost of the next spell by 5, or design the gnoll used in shaman so that it can’t be turned into a 12/12.
But given how much in stats someone can put on the board these days and the defensive options available a 12/12 on turn 2 isn’t even remarkable anymore.
So your fun is more important than my fun? Some players hate OTK combo decks. But those are the decks I enjoy the most. And because you are annoyed by them, I should lose out on something I enjoy? Who is this “large enough portion” anyway? A bunch of people griping on the forum? That’s how you want to design the game? By who gripes the loudest on the forum? That’s just mob rule, and I think it’s a horrible way to design.
Quite the contrary. YOU are the one saying that the decks I enjoy should be eliminated because you get annoyed by it. Forget the actual power level of the cards. If it makes you feel bad, it has to go. I get annoyed as hell when I get frozen 3, 4, 5 turns in a row. But I don’t go off complaining that freeze decks should be eliminated from the game.
edit to add: I say “you,” but I’m simply referring to anyone in general advocating for the nerfing/elimination of deck based purely on their feelings. It’s not “you” personally Killumanati.
Do not cite the T2 deathwing summoning to me, Qwark. I was there when Alarm-o-bot was printed.
Oh, so they played a different Evolve effect. I guess that changes everything… or maybe not.