Shadowcrafter Scabbs needs a major nerf to it's Battlecry

Well, it’s granted rush via Guardian Animals, should GA tutor it instead of another beast. If you’d like I can post the deck list.

but if you play guardian animals, it means you survived the early game, which is where a big hunter suffers

(but this thread is not about this stuff btw, so I am not sure it’s the right place)

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Only druid and rogue cant deal with the 4/2 …
i think they will increase the mana cost

Mage: aoe spells

shaman: aoe spells

warrior: aoe spells

hunter: aoe secrets (regular and improved with tavish hero)

warlock: aoe spells, minions

priest: aoe spells, minions

paladin: aoe spells

demon hunter: aoe spells

rogue: discover cards from mage

druid: no true aoe in standard, but in wild

And that’s before you get into the neutral cards that board clear, do damage, etc.

Plus, you have a full turn to set up taunt, or something for them to hit other than your face. I’ve almost never had a problem with them.

that is offc assuming you didnt need the aoe for the turn 4 ful board of 4/5s and 3/3s…

maybe I was a bit too general.
When they play scabb, they spend 7 mana to get ahead on board.
You are already losing the board, so the first thing you want to do is getting it back.
If you spend mana on AoE to reset the opponent board, then you will probably have no mana left; when I said most classes don’t have AoE, I meant “most classes can’t afford to play AoE because they don’t do a good job in solving the problem”

AoE are very expensive and not really effective.
My subjective list about “how to deal with the turn after scabb” (it’s obvious that it’s subjective, but who knows):

  • shaman: good
  • warrior: good
  • priest: good (also thanks to the priest style who doesn’t care about waiting one extra turn before clearing)
  • DH: good
  • warlock: good

  • paladin: bad (consacration is bad, cariel is basically the only 2 mana AoE. The big dragon is good too)
  • hunter: bad (only explosive trap, which is the worst way to deal with these 4/2. If you develop a board, the rogue will trade it so explosive trap is wasted; 7 mana scabbs remove your board and make you waste your next turn basically)
  • rogue: bad
  • druid: bad
  • mage: bad: flamestrike costs as much as scabb, so it’s not a good solution. The tradable card costs 4: you are spending 4 mana because of a 7 mana card, it’s not bad nor good, it’s meh

The main topic was if scabb needed a nerf: the battlecty it’s fine imo, because it has downsides; the heropower seems fine too; the 4/2, in most cases, can become a better fireball. Summoning 1 would have been already good; even if he didn’t summon any it would be still a playable hero (not a top one, but a reasonable one, which in current HS means “it needs a buff”, but whatever :joy:)

i dont have the card bc spending real money on hs stopped being cool like 2 years ago since look at what they did to ladder there isn’t even a climb to legend anymore its all gone.

anyway, on paper scabbs looks totally, totally, totally overpowered.
but then for wild its like ok, scabbs is what 7 mana?

What do mages do on turn 5 again? well biscuit before 5, then drek 0-biscuit and like draw their entire deck with luna and literally otk you if you dont have disruption or ice block up and then heal the next turn immediately.

the whoever plays meta hunter people are a worse mage, and slowly face you down around turn 6 or maybe 7, its a really trash burn deck since its so slow. so there’s 2 decks right there where scabbs does exactly 0 against and both are pretty popular on ladder.

i think a card f/e like mage’s mana biscuit is roughly 90x more powerful than scabbs.
wild is why.
super busted expensive cards don’t matter if they can’t be cheated out.
so, how does valeera cheat out scabbs? well its odd but baku doesnt lower scabbs cost.
it can’t be prepped, altho they COULD make a 3 costing prep for hero cards only and that would be more playable than 2 prep for just spells.

Instantly kill a person for any mana, or resetting a board WHILE creating one of your own is always good.

That said, we’ve cycled in and out of a meta with
A: Quest decks (wildly hated)
B: Aggro (Wildly hated)
C: Board ignoring combat (Wildly hated)
D: Decks with RNG that grinded you all day (Barrens priest Wildly hated)
E: Decks with Little Rng that instantly killed you (Extreme consistency wildly hated)

E: Decks with high skillcaps few players could play. (Garrote rogue, wildly hated in tournament play)
F: Decks with low statistical skillcaps anyone could play (Pirate warrior, wildly hated)
G: Decks that play for tempo and for the board, with a little rng and power but not any quests or instantly game winning conditions. (Asked for, recieved in thief rogue, then quickly became wildly hated within a week)

After that… I ran out of letters and ideas.

I think the problem is, no matter what happens, there are some play styles that are extremely polarizing, but i do feel like the gameplay, (at least in my personal view), feels like it’s at least gone less from objectively ignoring opponents.

To now trading with them for often free, or trying to snowball game states the opponent can’t recover from. (Unless the opponent plays their recovery, and then flips the table into a situation THE other can’t recover from?).

It feels like flip a coin, heads you lose, tails you lose. Hit the side, you still lose. It seems like the only conditions to make for a loved meta are

o All classes should see play. (Except the ones someone hate. Ex: Every class should see play, except warrior, priest, hunter, dh, shaman, warlock, pally, druid, and any deck that wins. Sounds easy right?)

o Priest must not be above 2% or even 1% playrate. It must never be played, even if it’s a 30% wr deck that loses to everything. Because it might trigger soul mirror ptsd to aggro players who got wiped 5 times in a row with standard’s pick a soul mirror 5x, vending machine option rng.

o The class should not otk out of hand, fight for the board for free, press any advantage, cheat mana, while also not mindlessly playing on curve. But if it wins while doing all those things, it’s probably bad too.

o If a tier #1 deck is nerfed, and every other deck just rises #2 to #1, that’s bad. We should make nerfs that make only our decks win more, with sheer willpower and magic.

I mean… I won’t say the hearthstone team seems like it’s been the most lenient on doing kinda… whatever the community asks for, and regrets receiving, just it feels like “Lets kill control!” “Sure!” “Lets print instant otks!” “Sure!”, followed by 2 minutes later “We hate it! But it’s exactly what we asked for, lets try putting tempo back on the menu, and board based decks!” and…

They did it… and… people started hating it again too…

… Lets not forget… Pirate warrior was actually a dead class until people actually asked for buffs, then immediately regretted it. To be somewhat fair, we are receiving literal interpretations of what we ask for. (Instant win control killers, Nerf quests, nerf quest mage, buff pirate warrior, bring hero cards back, don’t powercreep sw to solve alterac, etc.), and the notes do say a balance patch on jan 25,

It’s just a question of if we’re just nerfing whatever’s on top, because it’s on top, or just trying to aim to build up a healthy metagame.

If so… What decks or styles do people want to see on top, that they could try and earnestly like? Trying to get that balance of a enjoyed metagame seems more complicated than most.

It feels like most players want variety, but don’t want new decks to take the spot. But by nature of a meta… there’s always going to be a new #1 deck as soon as the old #1 is nerfed.

So, shouldn’t a secondary goal also be trying to make sure a meta’s top performers are fair to face against, or maybe test out more buffs and balance changes just to get off meta seeing a bit of play, etc?

So do we want board ignoring otks, face rushing hunters, board freezing shamans, fatigue killing warlocks, face smashing warriors, tempo stealing rogues, or baby eating priests to be on top or bottom?

Some deck must win, so what do we want to be the new #1 then, in terms of gameplay balance wise? Any decks that players enjoy playing against?

And is aslo fact scabs gives essentialy a innervate as a hero power


The thread title is literally “scabbs needs a major nerf to it’s battlecry” and the op is a major treatise on the subject.

If it were the hero power, or something else, we’d be having a different discussion.

I mean, if you spend mana, you don’t have any left. That’s been a mechanic since Day 1. As for not solving the problem, they remove the 4/2s, so if that doesn’t solve your problem…

Does no one remember how to play around a vanish rogue? It really wasn’t that long ago that this was in standard.


I don’t know how much problem is the battlecry and how much is the hero Power.

But If i could take a guess i would say that both are overpowered actually and people are understimating the hero Power.

It did Win me many games i would have any business winning otherwise making the battlecry feel almost as something normal.

The problem with small but recurrent discounts is that you not understand How powerful they are because they play around people biases against powerful swing turns.

yes. I think its fitting, other hero power give more utility and value late game, rogue gives more tempo.

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deleting buffs is just stupid & illogical;
Simple crazy especially when you’re using Murloc Warlock against this

TLDR: I hate the card “Vanish”

OP, the battlecry is just Vanish

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= Paladin just lost to a Rogue?

Silence does that all the day, as does moving minions backwards, i.e. Board->Hand or Board-> Deck. There are a few exceptions (mentioned in their text).

Welll said completly agree.

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