Seems everyone has gotten the memo that Steamcleaner is gone

Plague DKs everywhere now.

Hope you are happy Blizzy

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Well plagues are being used in the strongest dk build which was previously unheard of. That’s what is so toxic about plagues right now, if you see a dk you can assume they will be trying to shove plagues in your deck at some point

yep its been so fun
even better when i draw tony and shuderblock before they draw helya

Oh no 2 steam cleaners weren’t stopping a guy who could shuffle upwards of 19 bombs/plagues into your deck. What you MEAN to say is “Symphony of Sins and C’thun the shattered are everywhere now”
Surely thats what you MEANT to say instead of suggesting you actually stopped a plagueknight by removing about 7 out of his 20 plagues, right?

You were playing Steamcleaner when only 3 or 4 plagues were in your deck? That’s absolutely terrible play.

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You were using Reno Jackson at 20 health?
And bounced him back to your hand just to do it again?
That’s a terrible play!

Were you bouncing the Steamcleaner back to hand? Because that would mean you were casting it on turn 7 at least instead of 5, so it should have removed more than 3 plagues.