Second plague lord won't retain lost health

Got 2nd plague lord on heroic down to around 20 health with hero double damage anomaly and after being defeated he’s back to 300. Please fix this, I don’t want the time I spent there wasted on a bug.

Got the second plaguelord to 8hp in a single run on heroic with what is very likely the best adventure deck I will ever draft. Didn’t really matter though because after his C’thun obliterated me the chapter 2 page kindly informed me that the boss I thought was going to be completely free next run had reset to 300 hp. So thanks for making us pay for that moment Blizzard. You’d think that after Dalaran Heist was unplayable because of a bug for weeks they’d test for this stuff but I guess not.

Eu server,
Same problem here, lord stuck on 168 pv

Same here, fought him twice and he’s still at 300 :rage:

I shot him 22 health units, lost, and after the progress was lost and again became 263 health units :confused:

Has happened twice to me. First time I had Aegis of Death got him to ~60 and lost and he reset to 60. 2nd time nothing special got him to ~120 and he reset.

Got the same problem three times in a row. Got him to ~50, ~100, ~220, but this little bastard always resets to 300 hp. For what i’ve payed money, little indie company? :neutral_face:

Same issue here as well, i fought the Boss twice. His Health always reset back to 300 no matter how much damage i deal.


First time I got him down to around 45 hp, came back to him and he restored to 300hp. Got him down to around 150 again, and now he is back at 300.

Will try to one-shot him, luckily his abilities are not that powerfull.

I here to say me too … got him down to 76 and when I went back in…back to 300 … I’m having more problem getting past f-ing Ozara more than once…he’s an @sshole!

same issue here, but this has to be a thing from today, because yesterday I got mine down to 192 on a “failed” heroic run, but today he’s stuck there.
this also applies to the “Hearthstone” treasure btw, so if you use that he will reset as well.

There was also another bug yesterday where after I used “Hearthstone” to return to the tavern and reengaged the boss…and he just kinda blew up. Granted he was at 12 HP remaining, but I actually wanted to bring him to 1 to finish him off with Finley…instead he just got damaged by…something? on turn 1? Maybe this is somehow related.

Same issue. Heroic run on 2nd plague lord. He was at 65 health. Got to him with 2 hearthstones. Thought since health is persistent i would easily be able to whittle away his little remaining hp escaping to the tavern twice. Got him down to 47 on first try and used hearthstone. Go back to fight after tavern and he is at 65 health again. Thought maybe when using hearthstone it resets him to the health from the current run. But after dying on my third attempt he had 31 health remaining. Got back to the selection screen he is at 65 health still…

Same here, fought the 2nd boss the third time a few minutes ago. He gets stucked at 267 health. Really annoying. Had him down to 32 already…

Same here, murloc boss was fine but all of my runs on K’zrath he resets back to 300 afterwards.

Same here, murloc boss was fine, K’zrath keeps recovering to full after each run. Got him down to 150-120 each time.

To everyone in this topic: the issue is known. See Small Client Update: 15.2.2
Blizzard is working on it, but has not given as estimate when it will be fixed.


Same here, on EU server.
I beat Murloc boss to 40 health on heroic, lost, and then in the start menu he had 156 health left.
So annoying.

Latest patch seems to have fixed the issue for me: now all Plague Lords retain the proper amount of HP. Lady Luck has been on my side to make up for some lost time: I’ve defeated the Death Plague on my first run! :slight_smile:

I had the opposite happen. The plague lord gained life during the run, but when I went to play him again ,he was down 10 less health.

The adventure saves the lowest health value the Plague Lord had during the game, not necessarily the one it ended the game with. This is intentional.