Scare to try a Druid deck you made?Let me play it for you

So, I’m going be that 1 voice on the forum, as a Druid main just living the middle life to say I kinda call it on Druid quest being decent at best, but not a meta definer, And I’ve been tinkering with odd builds.

So let me be clear I don’t care for the current state of rank or if my rank is tash even tho I have a decent win rate with my weird decks, I want to see from the community of players who Might of wanted to try a Druid Deck but scare to losing their rank for whatever reason, or just don’t have the Druid/Neutral cards to make an odd deck, to Give me the decks, I’ll play it and give you an honest opinion about them. I can say my ranks I randomly vs are about Diamond/trash legends ranks as I have added a few people to check their ranks with my weird decks.



Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (1) Nature Studies

2x (1) Resizing Pouch

2x (2) Pandaren Importer

2x (2) Solar Eclipse

2x (3) Robes of Protection

2x (4) Germination

2x (4) Overgrowth

1x (4) Plaguemaw the Rotting

2x (6) Claw Machine

2x (7) Marsh Hydra

2x (8) Cenarion Ward

2x (8) Mo’arg Forgefiend

2x (9) Fizzy Elemental

1x (9) N’Zoth, God of the Deep

2x (9) Runaway Blackwing


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

For Example is a Deck I personally use, It does good vs Warlock, Paladin. Sometimes vs Shamen and Mage. And it stomps Hunter oddly enough.

I have made a Deck that used both Guff’s and etc. So. When I say I will try anything I will try anything in the druid deck wise. So if there was a Druid Deck you wanted to try but scare to lose your rank for whatever reason, or just wanted to know how a deck might fair for whatever reason leave it here and I’ll Give it a try, and give feedback on it.

I will also say, please avoid just asking about already meta decks and saying their your original deck, if I can find it on HSreplay with a few thousand games under it, I won’t play it as that not trying other deck builds out. They can be “Agro/Token” as long it’s not basically a mirror of it’s core deck. And Avoid using streamer deck also as you should know how those already are if a streamer play it. I want fresh ideals and cards to mess around with.

Humor me even with some stupid builds or a weird deck theme, I’ll really play it. Don’t have much goin’ on cause of Covid and I’m getting bored with my own ideals.


Ohh my gosh, this is actually a really cool thread lol. You’ll play ANYTHING Druid ehh? Does this include wild mode?

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Yea as long it’s not a current meta deck, yea. In wild I use to have a deck call “Friendly Ramp Druid” that used Duskfallen also, and etc. I literally dust’ed other classes to have all Druid cards and kept neutrals. So Druid is my main class where I have basically all cards, and neutrals that always been kinda the “druid staples”.

All 27 decks of mine are Druid, when I have quest to do other classes I generally do Duels/Brawls to do the other classes.

Edit : Found my most recent Friendly Druid deck notepad here

Friendly Druid

Class: Druid

Format: Wild

2x (1) Biology Project

2x (2) Booty Bay Bookie

1x (2) Lorewalker Cho

2x (2) Mailbox Dancer

2x (2) Prize Vendor

2x (3) Arcane Golem

2x (3) Banana Vendor

2x (3) Coldlight Oracle

2x (3) Flight Master

2x (3) Grove Tender

2x (4) Forest Guide

2x (4) Hoarding Dragon

2x (4) Overgrowth

2x (4) Soldier of Fortune

1x (5) Duskfallen Aviana

2x (7) Celestial Alignment


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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Wow, that is some dedication. Even though I mostly play Mage, I can’t imagine myself doing the same, especially in a game like HS.

You must REALLY love the class.

When I 1st play HS on release I was major F2P so I had to dust, Druid my only class that level 60 even to this day. 2nd is like almost level 50? Scary to think about it.

But look, clearly in Diamond rank and no-one can have fun.

No-one like having fun - even when it should be clear as day.

I don’t care about my rank, it easy to climb ranks.

Rank is so toxic, and making always ‘meta viable’ decks are taxing to do, and doesn’t seem as funny to throw someone off or go “let have some fun cause they’re having fun” y’know?

Edit : So my other classes levels and rank/arena/duel wins.

Demon hunter : 32 (28 wins)
Hunter : 47 (17 wins)
Mage : 52 (44 wins)
Paladin : 45 (50 wins)
Priest : 48 (39 wins)
Rogue : 52 (37 wins)
Shamen : 45 (25 wins)
Warlock : 42 (34 wins)
Warrior : 39 (19 wins)


Lol! How awesome, look man I want to see Jungle Giant’s Druid. New cards are out an I would like to see how this list treats you in wild? Say…5 games with it? Casual or ranked is fine with me man.

All I ask is you tell me the truth if the deck was giga-trash or a lot of fun lol. Any improvements you’d make etc.


3 win / 2 lost
Wild - Rank

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5

So the Deck sucks really hard vs Agro or high tempo early game decks. Which is to be expected in wild, while slower games it alright, but there some things I would say are “bad” cards, Mainly Guidance and Package Runner.

I think oddly enough Divine Rager or Injured Marauder will be better cards in the minion place, as you rarely have 8 cards in your hand to make use of it early game, and it’s just a bad card, I think it was game 3 I would won if I could of attack with them.

As for Guidance it’s kinda a dead card and the pool is so bad in wild you’ll be offer some bad choices overall, Maybe Resizing Pouch would be a better option? Even a Marsh Hydra would feel better to have then Guidance.

But that’s my opinion on the deck, oddly enough didn’t see Mage or Warlock oddly enough.


Watch my Taunts

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Innervate

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (1) Adorable Infestation

2x (1) Nature Studies

2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron

2x (2) Bonechewer Brawler

2x (2) Mark of the Spikeshell

2x (2) Mark of the Wild

2x (2) Razormane Battleguard

2x (2) Toad of the Wilds

1x (3) Archspore Msshi’fn

1x (3) Dreaming Drake

1x (3) Guff Runetotem

2x (3) Mor’shan Watch Post

2x (4) Crossroads Watch Post

1x (4) Plaguemaw the Rotting

2x (5) Arbor Up


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Disclaimer: I bear no responsibility for any consequences

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You are indeed responsible for posting this.
The deck seems like a worst version of Agro Druid kinda, and it plays really bad in the hyper agro meta in standard. It lack draw majorly and runs dry way quicker then normal agro druid.

It was so painful to have nothing to do and the opponent take 10 years for a play they should done right away.

felt so bad to play both times, only did 2 games of it. Concede both times cause my hand was just non-existing.

Game 1
Game 2

I love your dedication to the one class man. I find it inspiring! Maybe I’ll do the same in the future one day. Druid is a fun class and has some good themes with it.

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First game kind of highlights what I thought that 3 drop would do. It made the mage spend resources on killing it. Nice win, sucks that Guardian Animals saw no play.

A Mil Rogue really? Dude I thought this was gonna be one of the losses lol. How you managed to win highlighted to me, your skill with Druid a lot. Good games!

This game though, like W.T.F.? A copy Priest really Blizzard? This guy got the dream matchup an I’d chuck this loss on BAD luck. He got more 0 mana creatures than you did. Big ooph.

This is more expected to see. An Odd Paladin…ohh joy… This is the game I actually felt the most bad about the 3 drop. I thought it wouldn’t be that awful but in this game it was beyond useless.

An the last game, Quest Priest. This was more than likely your best matchup. That 3 drop is not good though just by watching all 5 games lol.

Overall Deathy huge thank you for taking the deck, an giving it a spin in wild. A BIGGER thank you, for being honest in the criticism. I watched all 5 matches an seeing how bad Package Runner performed was a big let down. Maybe even a Wild Growth was just a better choice.

As for cards like Guidance, I was shooting more on cheap cards, that might give you X in any situation. That’s why I stuck Nature’s Studies in the deck too. As opposed to something true blue like Branching Paths.

I was also disappointed in how bad Animal Guardians was. I went with Beasts as you can tell, an it gave 0 value. I guess this is part of experimenting though. I learned 2 things tonight.

#1. You are a very good Druid player, you managed to win with this pile lol.

#2. I mistaked getting the quest done fast as possible with a bad 3 drop. An tried to replace good cards with chance cards. That just doesn’t work in the grand scheme of things.

If anything though Deathy, you must’ve made the opponents you had in wild feel somewhat fun. As no one is playing Jungle Giants. Thanks for keeping your word about playing the deck man.

Honestly you’re better off using Jade Blossom over wild growth cost the same and get a body (1/1 or 2/2)… I would say maybe a better spin would be Dragon Druid as Dragon in hand + 2 mana = ramp and draw.

Eh, I wouldn’t say I’m the best I don’t play as often to be 100% the best druid player, but I have over 1k wins w/ druid so it’s more of an experience thing.

I thought of it more as you trying replace the old Elder Longneck as a better replacement incase pull from Oaken Summons but as I mention you’re better off with Divine Rager or Injured Marauder there a few decent low cost 5 attack minions work looking into, or like I said go the Dragon Druid route maybe.
I did a quick mockup of a Dragon Druid Jungle Giant edition so you can see it kinda runs smoother.

Jungle Dragon

Jungle Dragon

Class: Druid

Format: Wild

1x (1) Jungle Giants

2x (1) Nature Studies

2x (1) Resizing Pouch

2x (2) Breath of Dreams

2x (2) Guess the Weight

2x (3) Dreaming Drake

2x (4) Evasive Feywing

2x (4) Hungry Dragon

2x (4) Oaken Summons

1x (6) Cornelius Roame

2x (6) Emerald Explorer

2x (6) Evasive Wyrm

2x (6) Utgarde Grapplesniper

2x (7) Evasive Drakonid

1x (8) Chromaggus

1x (9) Alexstrasza

1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

1x (10) Deathwing the Destroyer


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

No problem, and why wouldn’t I? I said I will even do gag decks and if I feel they actually might have something, I’ll say it.

I’ve had some bad times as Druid also but overall it’s the class that feel right for me generally. Like in MTG I’m the Filthy Mono Green Player that plays big minions and trample and etc, but I’m not so far off to do some mi green decks. I just like the “Ramping” style decks more. As you need to think how to play differently then just for “stats”.

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Enjoyable in casual (only when it works)

Lol I understand that but I was just being honest, and I did play it as I said, didn’t I?

That said like I said in the post I don’t care about my rank getting trash as it’s the same for me from rank and casual, If I wanted to climb up I can, but I just don’t care about rank as much as I use too, and you’re bound to see meta deck in casual so it’s whatever. Y’know?

I not judging you or anything, just sharing my bad decks.


Divine crap
Class: Paladin
Format: Standard
Year of the Gryphon


it’s definitely something.

If you haven’t seen MarkMcKz Bubble Pop video, you should it’ll make you go “OH GOD WHY THAT A THING”.

Mark's Bubble Pop Video

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Didn´t really play around with Druid this expansion as i did not get the quest.

But from the last miniset:

kinda Mountseller


Klasse: Druide

Format: Standard

Jahr des Greifen

2x (0) Gewitterblüte

1x (1) Bodenloser Beutel

1x (1) Führung

2x (1) Naturkunde

2x (2) Dornenwuchswächter

2x (2) Eisenborke

2x (2) Erratet das Gewicht

1x (2) Mal des Stachelpanzers

1x (2) Mondfinsternis

2x (2) Samen des Lebens (Rang 1)

1x (2) Sonnenfinsternis

2x (3) Glückspilze

1x (3) Guff Runentotem

1x (3) Wildwuchs

1x (4) Verschmelzung

2x (4) Wildes Wachstum

2x (5) Aufbäumen

2x (5) Glühwürmchenschwarm

2x (8) Deviatschreckensfang


Um dieses Deck zu verwenden, kopiert es in Eure Zwischenablage und erstellt ein neues Deck in Hearthstone.

That’s why I’m doin’ what I am, if there was a deck you would of wanted to try but can’t cause you didn’t get cards, just give me that deck code as you can use website deckbuilder if you don’t own the cards.

As for the Deck you post’d it look kinda like last expansion “Token druid”

as for how it fair? Not the best, you pretty much have little to do early game as your rely on glowfly, and it could be argue I got greedy on value, but it was also Element Agro Shamen which is a top T1 deck at the moment.

yea, it´s mostly about getting to turn 7 alive and then swinging it around with deviant vipers. had been okish last season (t3), but i guess it´s probably too slow now.

It’s not “slow slow” and can be refined a bit to be a solid T2 deck right now, as we have a few new cards that can fit in the deck nicer.

for Example here a few cards I would look into adding from the expansion if I was to refine the deck to be a bit faster and more all round “solid”

  • Sow the Soil
  • Vibrant Squirrel
  • Composting

As for Neutral some other good cards would be like

  • Pandaren Importer
  • Florist

Some of these cards would suit the deck style if you don’t want to change too much of the deck, but that my opinion, playing the deck, analyzing it and what I might do to make it more ‘updated’