Runble run: rework

I didnt have time to scroll through everyones posts because im not much of a Forum user.

After playing on every class for rumble run and studying all the cards, Mage is the one class that needs a cardcore nerf. (Cardcore, get it? Lol)

It’s enough that he gets free frostfire spells that cost nothing, then there are corehounds that drop 8 damage after each turn. Then there’s a minion with 7 health and attack who allows fireballs after any spell that is casted, each fireball cost 4 but does 8 or 15 damage! That’s way too much power in one class… and a loa that repeats hero fireball after each minion kill. I’ve overpowered myself on Hunter, druid, and priest just to even try and destroy the mage… it’s insane.

Malacrass is usually a final boss I’m happy to have, because he has so little in terms of board presence, and his ability to use his shrine is mostly dependent on you. He’ll usually squander all the Frostfires he gets as long as you have any minion at all. If you endure the initial storm, most of the time he just ends up topdecking, at which point his shrine, treasures, legendaries, and synergies do next to nothing to turn things around.

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There still needs to be a lot of rework with rumble… especially with rewarding. No one can get past 4 bosses on each loa, doesnt matter what anyone says lmao it’s not possible I’ve tried. I’ve studied each class each card and ways to maneuver but it really doesnt matter after a while. It needs work period.

Luck is all about you need maybe if you know the game well ;p