I would really like to win games without relying so much on luck. This excess of RNG makes the game much less fun.

I see big YouTubers in the community complaining about the same thing.

Hearthstone is becoming a very fun game, yes, for young children.


then do it nobody is stoping you from running the low rng competitive this game has

Randomness is brutal per game, because draw ALONE is very random so when you add cards that also produce random effects then it compounds to an exponentially higher randomness.

But it’s crucial to stress that I said “per game”; randomness evens out given a lot of games; that’s because if you get lucky now you’ll get unlucky later.

The true problem is felt by us that do not play a lot of games. E.g. if you only play less than a dozen of games daily it feels like spinning the roulette.

Maybe switch to chess?

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Instead of playing hearthstone (a game that’s more well-known for randomness than for anything else) and hoping for minimal randomness and more skill expression, you could always just switch to a ccg that already has those features. There’s a lot of them out there, many of which are quite fun and well-designed.

I was grinding hard for bg rank until yesterday since the start of the season. The balance is too off for me to keep trying and losing to the RNG. If they balance the game with a mechanic soon I’ll try again but otherwise I’m done.

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It’s supposed to. It certainly doesn’t feel like it as this year has gone on. Last 2 months it doesn’t even feel like it’s pretending anymore.

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There’s no reason to rig the game (because I think it’s clear that’s what you imply). They don’t have to micromanage how you will lose: you WILL lose sooner or later: they just raise your MMR when you win so your next match has a higher probability to make you lose. The randomness because of the randomness in the cards compounded with the draw randomness is just so EXTREME that unless we play at least a dozen games daily: we feel like spinning the roulette for what win rate we’ll get at the end of the day (but it would actually even out eventually).

PS If you want to find sinister behavior or a form of “rigging”: the way they attribute MMR to players might be kinda nasty. I suspect they overtune MMR attribution (and hence the difficulty) even after a small win streak so the probability to lose in the next match(es) is extremely high in an attempt to up the play time with a win rate as close to ~50% as possible.

So luck does matter more then skill, wow who would have thought with them going that direction.

As it stands right now in BG’s. There’s a higher amount of luck involved then normal because of there being no extra mechanic to allow for a larger variety of builds. It HEAVILY and i mean HEAVILY favors those who can hit a Brann or a Titus on 5 to fuel the best builds. The only tier 6 that is a game definer ATM is Holy Mecherel(a minion i might add that needs to be rotated out of the pool it’s so toxic).

There needs to be another balance patch(which we would have had if not for holiday break) and a seasonal mechanic.

That’s still luck that remains inside the confines of a single game, and given enough games played: the randomness evens out, because while you lowroll now: you high roll the next day etc.

Those things feel bad if you play very few games per day or if you are not aware that after you played a bunch of games in a single day: you also highrolled in a few of them.

I personally find the randomness of the game too high - especially in Constructed - because if I play like 5 matches I have no clue if my win rate was highrolling or not.

The difference is that many of the builds right now are reliant on getting 1 of those 3 minions. If you play toward those types of builds it’s basically a race to get it first, Which is why tier racing is encouraged even more. With a seasonal mechanic you can usually not be so reliant on hitting very specific minions to make a build work as the seasonal mechanic allows. Essentially it helps mitigate the randomness to a degree with more choice that isn’t at the mercy so much of normal RNG.

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Being “clunky” at collecting cards like that just raises the impact of randomness. BGs are nowhere near the problem of Constructed. At least you “draw” multiple cards in BGs per round without further cost.

Constructed has the randomness of the draw AND the randomness of card effects AND the randomness of what archetype decks matched.

But BGs power creeps too which translates in part in randomness being more impactful too because draws are fewer if games are shorter.

Oh i am not even concerned with constructed in any of this discussion. I gave up on constructed. They need to do something drastic to make me want to even care about that mode again.

RNG? In Hearthstone? You must be playing a different game than the version I am playing, because Hearthstone is the perfectly balanced, competitive, non-landslide/ non-snowball game crafted by the beautifully brilliant development team. You mention young children, but how could their young minds comprehend the deep intricacies and game theory baked into Hearthstone by this prodigious development team?