Rewards Track Update

So its basically going to be like the WoW Artifact Grinds that i remember from Legion and BFA in that as your Artifact Level rose you got EXP boost every week to keep the grind about the same?

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Well said. 20characters


Sad to see the changes dont help fix anything. Xp is still a problem and events dont fix it. We already had events that gave xp and quests along side the old system. So we are still losing out with the new bpass system.

Seeing the removal of rewards to add rewards makes me sad. Though I’d much prefer gold over packs, the removal of packs makes me believe that blizzard doesn’t want to shower us in rewards as they say.

Overall I see a shady business move followed up with pr talk once people call them out on their fowl practices.

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While this is a response, I think a lot of players are going to need to see tangible improvement in this system before faith is restored. How frequent are those events going to be and wouldn’t that just be the bonus gold naturally distributed during those times? For all the good that came with the update (more skins, coins, achievements, etc.), obscuring the economy is bad for players unless it is decisively equal or better. The old economy did not keep with the growing cost of the game and a worse value certainly won’t either.

Edit: Many others are mentioning this, but it is the secret solution. People want to earn rewards regularly, not just during events.

We didn’t ask for some half assed post telling us we rushed to the conclusion too quickly because we dont know how events will work. We wanted blizz tomake this system more rewarding than the previous. You didn’t even say you’re going to fix anything in specific. Actions, not words.

i was looking for a comment adressing exactly that!
This is a 2000 IQ post

we need changes the system is buged and lame

their ***************************

It’s politician double speak. They knew the new system was inferior in every way and yet even now they refuse to say so and promise to make it better.
Instead We get accused of misunderstanding and vague promises of XP events that should have nothing to do with the system as is.

  1. The system is still a massive time sink.
  2. It still gives less rewards.
  3. There is no way you did not know 1 and 2 before launch.
  4. There is also no way that you are unaware that failing to take responsibility for all of your actions will ever be satisfactory to a great many players.
  5. You lied. Come clean and fix the baseline system.

no, its just a really common and crappy marketing tactic to make people think ‘oh wow blizzard listens!’ once they got enough negative feedback.


If you wanted to give people more gold then why did you remove the 10 gold per 3 wins? So you are obviously, blatantly and shamelessly lying. Do you really think we are that stupid? It is insulting. I have bought almost all expansions up until now, missed only one cause I was short on money, but now I won’t be buying anymore unless you address these issues. It is the least I can do for the community, because it seems that the only thing that gets to you is money.


One thing I BEG you to fix is the fact that you gain xp based on how long the matches you play take. A lot of people rope now for a reason, not just because of trolling. Reimplement the 10 gold per every third fight won mechanic, or if you’re for some reason really against giving gold directly, reward 100-300 xp or something every third fight.

It’s baffling to me that the reward track is this poor to begin with. Like, how has nobody in Blizzard come up with the revolutionary idea that if they made a good rewards system for $10 (like most F2P games have as an option) they would sell an infinite amount more of their passes?

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The key to an effective apology is acknowledging what you did wrong and why it was wrong. I don’t think this apology does that just for the fact that you didn’t cause “confusion.” Nobody is “confused” about what you are doing. You want to scale back rewards while acting like you aren’t and telling us that you aren’t. It’s clear as day and acting like there is confusion on our part is frankly insulting.

So, no. Apology not accepted.

P.S. I thought it was cute how you slipped in that this was the “first version” of the rewards track.

Guys, it was totally just the first version, bros, we always planned on making more versions of this, don’t worry, just stick around for more versions, they’ll totally be better!

Why would you even bother implementing something in a form that you didn’t already believe in? And why would you SAY it would be better than the old system when you knew it wasn’t and knew you weren’t giving the whole story? Other than to see how much slashing and burning you could get away with doing to the economy without people getting upset and leaving, that is.


How much XP will these seasonal events have? If someone is unable to play at that time for reali life reasons will they not be able to actually utilize the new system? How far off were the community projections?

You’ve said a lot of nothing here. We need information, and it really feels like you’re just trying to hide the fact that you know this isn’t a better system.

If the goal is to give everyone more rewards for playing the game so people keep playing the game - why can you not just double the rewards? Why do we even get packs and not just gold?

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Can we also talk about how much of a bad look it is to increase the price of your game in the middle of a pandemic? People have less money, Blizzard. Some of them are even dying. Would be a great time to give back to your community instead of trying to bleed it some more.


You have to work 80 hours to get them. So no, they are actually insanely expensive skins.


Lol this can’t honestly be it, right? Y’all are joking…? I’ve been playing this game since Karazhan, I’ll stop playing very soon if this isn’t fixed. I simply can’t support a company that lies and does not do what they say they will.

  1. This is quite literally like your boss slashing your salary and then making a big show of handing out Christmas bonuses worth a fraction of what you lost.

  2. Battle-pass paid reward is also underwhelming for its price to people who have no interest in hero-portraits. I do not see what I will be getting on a whim by paying 20usd. Improve and make additional rewards from xp% gain more transparent.

  3. The removal of expansion Legendary quests. Weeklys not resetting. Our hearthstone experience is just getting worse. You guys do not seem to understand ‘player psychology’ or put yourself in our shoes.

  4. Also, give out some compensation to pacify the community. You have no idea how much I appreciate the 100 Primogems for bug fixes I am getting from Genshin Impact. Even if they are not of significant value to some.

  5. I have probably paid thousands, but I will never recommend Hearthstone to new players. The game is just getting too expensive and unrewarding to get into. Gone are the days you can easily farm 8-10k gold non-arena.


You implemented a system no one wanted, which gave far less gold and rewards than before, and now you’re trying to save face with a small boost that still leaves people thousands of gold short than where they were before.

The worst part of all is the system we had before was ALREADY needlessly stingy. Blizzard is laughably out of touch these days and this revolt is well deserved.


@Kerfluffle Thanks for the fast reply, sounds good so far.

But now lets talk about the premium pass.

Every other game out there gives you reward at every level of the premium battle pass + Bonus XP + Skins + Dust, etc…

Why not in Hearthstone?

I mean skins are nice but at the end of the day they dont help to increase the collection and are not rly a incentive to spend $20 for the premium pass.

It would be rly nice if you give us rewards for every premium pass level too, so its worth to spend $20 (Like in every single game out there that has a BP system)

Ty and keep up that good work. :slight_smile: