Returning player looking for friends

Sup guys, played hearthstone back in 2018 and stopped after my OTK priest deck was unplayable. tbh I was butt hurt cause I spent about $60 at the time to craft it and had maybe a week or two of playtime before whatever it was that made it unplayable either nerfs or cards moving to wild. despite this hearthstone was probably one of the only card games I truly enjoyed so after going on and off with marvel snap I decided to pick it back up. Started a fresh account and spent $25 right away cause f@#k it I know what it is and I’m just trying to enjoy my time. catch up packs are great imo was able to make a mostly capable aggro DH and control warrior and currently at platinum 3. Looking to learn tips, tricks, advice and make some friends to theory craft and have a good time. I would really like to get good at arena as well! I’m also a small streamer (2-5 viewers a stream) mainly playing Pokémon unite but HS has been my focus the last week or so. I also have my discord or i’m glad to join others. Anyways, appreciate the read and have fun climbing ladder! maybe I’ll see you out there.

JackCarrigan#1563 NA
Feel free to add me and anyone else on here need friends for quests