Reporting Battlegrounds Duos Players?

After a game earlier tonight, I’ve started screenshotting my opponent’s name as each game starts. I suggest doing this in case you need to report a player after a game.

I was playing Quillboar and my teammate was playing Demons. Unfortunately, we were already in late game and neither of us had found a Soul Rewinder. He had Wrath Weaver and we were down to 1 health, so he wasn’t able to do much for a few turns while we kept looking for a Soul Rewinder.

Finally a Soul Rewinder appeared in my tavern and my partner marked it with the “please pass” marking. By the time I saw this, the rope was burning and I only had 3 gold left. So I quickly bought a minion that would give me a triple, in hopes of building my board quickly before the rope finished, to survive until the next turn when I could buy and pass the Soul Rewinder to my partner.

As I reached up to freeze the board to save the Soul Rewinder, my partner dropped a demon he was holding in his hand, dropping up to 0 health and ending the game. He obviously did this out of anger that I hadn’t bought the Soul Rewinder for him on that turn.

That was really poor teamwork and sportsmanship on his part, and really a shame because we were doing well and could have easily have won the game, especially with his ability to play more demons being about to be restored on the next turn.

I’m not sure if there is a way to report someone for deliberately poor sportsmanship like that? But just in case there is, I’ll be screenshotting all my partners battletag names from now on.

That’s just part of the playing the Duo’s mode, you are going to run into players that either don’t care or are experimenting or just playing around . . . but to report them for not taking the game as seriously as you isn’t the way to go.

We all want to win but sometimes the games don’t go your way and that’s all there is to it. If you all went the entire game and didn’t get the piece you needed until the VERY end then it wasn’t going to help that much anyways most likely. Just take the L and move on.

Happy Gaming.

I understood what the OP said, but let’s go back to when there are 3 gold coins left.

Since we don’t know what was on the boards, but MAYBE it would have been wiser to buy the “soul rewinder” right away and find a way to sell a “low end minion and useless” and pass it, like that the teammate could probably have played his demons in hand.

If you could make a triple, that means you already had 2 good cards (were both on your board) ?

What I’m trying to say is that maybe in the situation, giving him a long overdue card would have been a much more effective action than making a triple.

I guess that’s what your teammate thought.

But be careful, I’m not judging, I’m making a hypothesis because it’s impossible to judge without seeing all the cards.

As for keeping battle tags, it is forbidden to post them on the forum.

I’m not sure this will help you since we can’t have a blacklist.
In addition, a player who is “bad” once may not be bad the next time (mood, concentration, etc.)