Renown and Trade Offers

I don’t think trading is worth it. Even though, maxed out portraits have no use for coins. The trade off, leaves me feeling bad. When HS changes 2 through 3 times their value. I understand, when you sell something you usually take a lose. I would rather let them build up, because it doesn’t hurt anything, but the computer. So, I would like to see a better value for my Renowns.


Ronown is going to have other uses in the future, related to endgame content

sometihng i noticed on a region i dont have maxed out mercs…we get more quests and no trade offers so basically maxing out your first mercenary decreases the number of coins you can get from quests !

at least is what i noticed because even if abandon all trade offers seems im guaranteed to get 2 next day …

Is there an article about the new in-game content, like a patch up date notice?
I also converted all my maxed portraits to Renowns, but I still get 2 trade offers on reset.

Not exactly, they just state that they are splitting it into 2 parts. They havent mentioned anything about part 2 yet, so it may be a while before it comes out.