Reno has to be nerfed

A lot of stuff is OP, and nerfs are coming.

But people purposefully ignore Reno, which is actually the most broken card printed in this set.

Here are some ways to do it:

  1. Buff counter cards: increase the count of snake oil that guy sells by from 2 to 3. Or change it to 3 mana 3/3 rush DR: shuffle 2 snake oils into your opponent’s deck. It is not fair that Shaman and Plague DK gets perfect counter cards against singleton decks, while other classes have bad tech cards.

  2. Reno should remove the entire board, including friendly units. Also limit both sides to 1 unit untill your next turn.


I just do not understand why people think Reno is what is winning the opponent the games.

Someone said in another post that if you do not over extend you will not get bent over the table by Reno, and this is absolutely correct.

I have no interest in playing any of the highlander decks, but Reno adds a new wrinkle into the game that requires thought and choices. That is a good thing in my viewpoint.


An actual high noon dual would be a one minion vs one minion after wiping both boards. But somehow the person that plays it doesn’t have to worry about their board being cleared. Currently it’s a stupid design with no drawbacks.

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Basicly, reno is discouraging actually using minions to play the game. Its basicly just combo-central


we had board clears long before reno was a thing


And the story of Chicken Little predates the game entirely, but here it is replayed in a different theater.

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I guess if people want to play a minion heavy deck than aggro is their best option at this point in time.

I have no idea why you must die on this hill, but you are becoming a meme.


I’m not allowed to comment without being labled a “meme”? Okay dude. Clearly you have a problem with other people talking besides yourself.

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The fact that you have made frequent comments makes this false.

You have repeated the same falsehoods over and over in multiple topics.

I only call it like I see it.

Despite the fact that we are writing rather than talking, I still support your right to share your thought.

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Hahahaha, yeah might as well delete the card with your nerfs.

Reno is definitely a overtuned card that does way too much. Even at 10 mana it would have been unbalanced. At least make it remove the entire board for both players.

Singleton decks need a good wincon sure, but not a overtuned forced one. At least give the card some identity.


with an effect like that the highlander restriction should be removed

why would you restrict yourself like that to nuke your board

and reno isnt a win condition unless you are playing mage on wild stalling for an arcane shot roll to play coldarra

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Not one-sided Poofs (deathrattle doesn’t even work, removes everything), and not to mention another limiting turn.

Problem is, this discourages not only aggro, but all other strategies that need something on the board.

I don’t think so. Even Yogg is not dead after its nerf.

yogg istn as condtional as reno is thats why imn saying the restriction has to be removed if the effect is changed to clearing the whole board

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To be fair if you are playing aggro and the game isn’t over by turn 7 you probably already lost.

I will agree it’s overtuned though. No board clear should only target one side of the board ignoring deathrattles and locations followed by limiting the opponents next turn. The fact its a highlander card isn’t much of a restriction.

It isn’t? Afaik, in standard each class has at most 2 reasons to restrict themselves to playing Highlander and 5 out of 11 only have Reno. Reno isn’t a win condition AND can be shut off before it’s played by certain cards.

Highlander payoffs really do need to be quite strong to see any competitive play.


if highlander isnt a restriction why dont we see highlander decks without cards like reno or the others ?


Yeah and if it isn’t a downside remove the highlander status then. The lists shouldn’t change right? If highlander makes no negative impact then there shouldn’t be different lists after the removal of the restriction correct? Such a ridiculous thing to say. Anyone saying such a thing instantly loses all credibility in my eyes. Highlander means gimping your deck and screwing consistancy for, in this meta anyway, 2 cards. The payoffs HAVE to be big. Like you said absolutely no one runs a highlander list without cards that reward it. That’s because it is a downside, obviously.


Right back at ya bud. Your post history is a literal gold mine of hypocrisy.

Cry moar and maybe your hypocritical view will be acknowledged… This is why you are considered a meme. Pretty sad really.