Renew/Discover Bug?

Looks like Renew is bugged? Cast it on my hero and it didn’t show any discovers. It also blocked future choices on my minions like Siamat.

Specifically what happened: I was at 28 Health, cast renew on my hero. Fully healed. Waited for the discover to pop up, and it never did. Rope shows up, and still no discover. At the end of the turn I randomly am given a Breath of the Infinite. The following turn I try to clear my opponent’s damaged Beastseller and Golden Scarab, and Siamat shows no choices of effects.

Anyone else have this bug happen?

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Use search

It’s not inappropriate to post a bug report without searching. No need to be rude.

The end turn bug has been happening for a month now. It’s been mentioned on these forums and on reddit multiple times. To the best of my knowledge, Blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged its existence.

Or they just can’t fix it. Like the floating card/endless turn bug, which they also can’t fix for years cuz it’s a hard to catch heisenbug, related to thread race condition, and not a disconnect like they trying to assure.

This may be similar. Dunno what cause this bug to appear, but is exists at least for a month now. But I haven’t experienced it yet.

Got the bug twice again. This bug has now cost me 3 games and I’m feeling like this needs to be looked into seriously by Blizzard. It’s really annoying that I have to concede and lose my winstreak trying to reach diamond.

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Same with me: discover cards are not working properly, we can’t choose anything or play further, rope comes in, end of turn.

Considering the amount of discover cards out there, this bug is limited to a small number of players, otherwise the topic would be flooded, right? Did anyone try to reinstall the game?

we should send a letter

is random you can play one game and get the bug

play another without restarting the game and use discover cards without any issues

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The President will argue…

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Same with me … happend the second time now in a game as Shaman.
No matter which discover card I play. it doesn’t show me the card results and I’m stuck in my turn ( I can’t play anything else).
Before that I also had these “can’t end my turn bug” … maybe there is some connection.
Annoying to loose games to Bugs in HS. In the last 5 yers I never had a single bug that lost me a game. Now since the last expansion it’s coming up regularly and I lost at least 6-7 games because of “end of turn” and this new “discover lock” bugs.

This is happening to me with every single card that gives you a discover option. It doesn’t happen in every game but seems to happen in most. It will fail to show my options, then lock up for the rest of the turn. At the end of turn, it will automatically select an option for me.

I finally had a bug-free day! So this happens randomly, but if it happens the first time during a game, it will keep happening for all its duration.

In my experience, if the bug does not happen in a game, it won’t happen at all so long as the application remains open. Thus, the “workaround” is to start a game of Brawl (to give your opponent a free pack if you concede) or casual and try to force the bug, preferrably with a discover card on turn 1. If you get the bug, restart the application. If you don’t, you can concede and play the “real” game.

Sounds like a chore, right? It can be far worse. My record is over TEN restarts one day. Frustrating doesn’t even cover it.

The bug has been happening less often, but it was actually worse just after the last patch. It isn’t clear at all what’s going on here.

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Great input. Thanks for sharing!